4 Problems Solved with a Single Customer Service Training Video Series

4 Problems Solved with a Single Customer Service Training Video Series 

Whether you’re a trainer, a manager, or a business owner if you’re providing customer service training you’ve likely got one major goal in mind and that’s to make sure that your team will recall their training when they face real world scenarios at work that require them to provide top notch customer service. 

Unfortunately, many forms of customer service training fall below the threshold of being “top notch” simply because of the various roadblocks that come out in the process of attempting to provide that training. Certainly there are many pain points that can be directly associated with customer service training, but a customer service training video series can solve many of the challenges that might come to mind.

Video Camera

  1. Training Takes Up Too Much Time

Whether it’s during onboarding or as an ongoing process, many business owners complain that good training takes up too much of their time. Studies have found that these business owners really aren’t wrong! In fact, business owners in the U.S. have suffered an average of more than 53.8 productivity hours for each newly hired employee in recent years. Yet, there’s little room to scale back or eliminate training that is essential to business operation. 

With a customer service training video series you can reduce training time for new employees while equally saving productivity time for top tenured employees and managers that typically provide training without the quality of the training suffering. New employees can receive valuable customer service training without any interruption to day-to-day operations for the business owner and, since 5 minutes of video provides the equivalent of nearly an hour of training employees will train faster than ever!

  1. Training Across the Business is Inconsistent

For large scale businesses and franchises where there are operations dispersed across several locations, in order for employees to be equipped with the knowledge they need from location to location to present the business with a unified customer service approach consistency in training is essential. Unfortunately, it’s hard to present consistent training one-on-one across business locations and even in the same location if training is provided by different employees or trainers, or if training is provided under different scenarios, there could be a lack of consistency. 

Producing a customer service training video series that presents each of the major customer service training topics to your newly hired employees can improve consistency of the training being provided. With interactive videos, customer service training can be provided in a way that involves scenario-based or path-based learning in which employees can engage in unique scenarios similar to real-world. Because training is in video format, every employee receives the same training without any inconsistencies.

  1. Quality Training is Too Expensive

U.S. businesses spend an average of $70.65 billion on training programs each year. If you’re a business owner that believes quality training is too expensive, you’re probably not alone! Training costs have risen rapidly with the average small business spending $1433 per employee for training and mid-sized businesses spending $902. These costs may not be recuperated, particularly for high turnover positions such as retail customer service roles, restaurant customer service roles and similar industries where employee turnover rates are significantly higher than the “norm.”

Video-based training is a one-and-done solution. You’ll pay the upfront cost of producing the training videos one time, but there are no further costs associated with training after that. The result is substantial savings.

Businesses that provide video training rather than in-person training have seen incredible reductions in total per-employee training costs. In fact, a recent study found that just switching from in-person, classroom style lecture training to digital, online training can save corporations between 50% and 70%. Additionally, Microsoft implemented corporate video training for their staff resulting in a cost savings of $13.9M annually. Figures like these are common and prove that producing a customer service training video series can save a lot of money over other training formats.

  1. Training Doesn’t “Stick” with Employees

One of the biggest problems with customer service training that takes place either in a group training lecture or via some rapid onboarding program with a newly hired employee is that they employee will be overwhelmed with information and will struggle to retain it all. Employees struggle to recall training that happened just a few hours ago, and that struggle is compounded when months go by. Studies have proven that many employees will forget up to 60% of their training in the first 3 months. 

The use of customer service training videos to provide essential training to employees can reduce the common problem of training not being retained. In fact, with short, digestible training videos your employees will grasp challenging concepts with ease and they’ll retain up to 90% of what they learn, even months later. If they forget, video training is available on-demand, so employees can easily re-train.

If you’re struggling with any of these common problems with customer service training, you’re definitely not alone! Producing a customer service training video series can help solve these problems and many others for your business. And Beverly Boy Productions can help you produce a customer service video series!

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