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How Much Does it Cost to Make a Training Video?

As many businesses shift their training protocols to more video-based learning opportunities, the question, “how much does it cost to make a training video?” often arises.

While this is a very difficult question to answer without the actual details of the individual project, there are some basic budgeting equations and estimates that you can use to hammer down the expected cost that your business should expect when creating a training video. In finished terms, a high-quality training video can cost somewhere between $1,000 and $20,000 per finished minute.

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Factors Impacting Training Video Cost

Several factors influence the final answer to the question, “How much does it cost to make a training video.”

The most frequent influencers of total training video cost are:

  • The quality of the video.
  • The length of the video.
  • The intricacy of the video.
  • The additions of various options included within the video such as motion graphics, animations, or other production elements.
  • Production equipment needs.

Most of the time training videos will cost between $1,000 and about $4,000 per finished minute unless there are significantly involved add ons in terms of graphics or production needs.

Production Costs for Training Videos

Now that you know a general answer to the question, “How much does it cost to make a training video?” Let’s take a look at some of the expected production costs for training videos, but first, consider the fact that the average training video is about 6 minutes, or less, long. People begin to lose interest after that point so anything longer than that risks a significant loss of engagement.

Instructional video content is generally broken down into multiple segments so that your audience remains focused and engaged for the duration of the lesson.

In producing a training video you can expect costs related to pre-production, the actual shooting of the film, and the post-production editing that is required to bring the footage together. Production costs will range for your project based on individual needs.

You’ll have costs associated with:

  • Hiring a Director – usually this is between $25 and $250 per hour.
  • Hiring a scriptwriter – usually, this is between $60 and $150 per hour.
  • Hiring an editor – usually, this will cost between $60and $175 per hour.
  • Hiring several cameramen – this will cost between $25 and $400 per hour, per cameraman.

In addition to the above costs, expect the following:

  • Actors or Presenters – $50 to $100’s per hour.
  • Equipment – $25 to $1,000’s per hour.
  • Studio shooting – $100 to $400 per hour.
  • Narrator or Voiceover – $100 to $400 per hour.
  • Final Audio Files – $30 to $1,000
  • Video Rendering – $30 to $75 per hour
  • B-Roll – Additional 10-50% on top of shooting costs.
  • Miscellaneous Fees – $100 to $1,000s based on need.

Ready to get started? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call for a no-obligation quote for your training video.

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