
How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Pine Bluff?

Asking about the cost to produce a commercial in Pine Bluff? This question is a regular one for us. The final cost for TV commercial production is client-dependent and hence, varies. Looking to broadcast your commercial via local cable through providers like Cox Communications or satellite providers like DIRECTV, or through Pine Bluff broadcast affiliates such as KATV 7 or KTHV 11? We’ve got you covered.

The average cost of a TV ad in Pine Bluff can range from $1,500 to $150,000, based on several factors. Keep reading to find out more, or check out our Pine Bluff TV commercial production page for samples and to discuss your project.

30-second TV commercial in Pine Bluff

Need a 30-second TV commercial in Pine Bluff? If you’re a small business starting in the region with a limited budget while competitors have ads on KASN 38, don’t fret. For those in Arkansas wanting a 30-second TV commercial in Pine Bluff to keep up with competition, there are solutions.


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Producing a 30-second commercial in Pine Bluff could cost as little as $1,500 – $3,500. However, if you aim for a high-end commercial, regardless of the production cost, share your vision with us, and we’ll bring it to life.

Define Your Needs

Essentially, the cost to produce a TV commercial in Pine Bluff/Arkansas depends on your specific requirements. If you’re wondering about the cost to produce a commercial in Pine Bluff but are unsure of the direction, start by exploring online options.

This will help you clarify your ideas so you can provide us with a reference video. We can then give you an estimate for your project. We film commercials throughout Arkansas, from corporate commercials in Hot Springs to Pharmaceutical and Medical promotional videos in Conway. Contact us for a quote today.

High Production Value is Key

To truly stand out and make an impact, high production value is crucial. Wondering about the cost to produce a commercial in Pine Bluff? For top-notch quality, you’ll need actors, makeup artists, a professional camera crew, a studio, a director, and more. Such a commercial could cost around $20k to $30k.

Producing a high-quality Pine Bluff television commercial might cost more due to the need for skilled professionals and various production elements. A professional video production company like ours will efficiently manage your TV commercial production cost.

Cost to Air a Local Commercial in Pine Bluff

After creating your TV spot, the next question is: How much does it cost to air a commercial in Pine Bluff? The answer varies. Airing a 30-second commercial in Pine Bluff can cost between $50 to $80 per spot to as much as $1,500 or $20,000 per spot, depending on several factors. For local Pine Bluff TV markets, prices may start at around $50 per 30-second spot.


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However, if you aim to reach a broader audience beyond Pine Bluff/Arkansas, especially during prime time on network TV, costs could exceed $10,000 per 30-second spot. This investment can significantly increase brand visibility and growth.

Final Steps

Now that you’re informed about “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Pine Bluff?”, it’s time for the next steps in TV commercial production. Each local network has specific requirements for receiving a finished TV ad. We’re familiar with what local Pine Bluff networks need, so contact Beverly Boy Productions today for your production needs.

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