Scottsdale Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Scottsdale Freelance Videographer 2024

With  87% of marketing professionals utilizing video for marketing, you can understand how videography has become commonly used in the business world. Over the past 10 years, studies have proven the benefits of video marketing. No wonder it’s one of the best services to use for marketing campaigns, for almost any kind of company or business.  Hiring a freelance video maker is definitely something you’ll want […]

Funeral Live Streaming Services in Scottsdale

Funeral Live Streaming Services  When it comes to planning for a funeral in normal circumstances, things like job conflicts or travel costs play a factor in whether or not everyone can attend. Now, with the pandemic sweeping the nation, things like social distancing and large gathering restrictions are affecting the way that funerals are normally […]

How to Hire a Film Crew in Scottsdale

How to Hire a Film Crew in Scottsdale Learning how to hire a film crew in Scottsdale is a process but you can find the best team for production of quality videos! There are so many aspects that go into hiring a film staff: budget, knowledge, and expertise. Team Beverly Boy has put together key resources that can help you […]

How to Hire a Video Crew in Scottsdale

How to Hire a Video Crew in Scottsdale Taking on a video project can be a challenge. After all, you are working within a budget and dealing with other peoples’ time. What you want to do is hire a video crew in Scottsdale that has the expertise needed for an efficient video production resulting in high quality video. You need a crew that has the industry-standard […]