Lincoln Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Were you aware that 87% of marketing professionals use video in their marketing campaigns? Videography has grown rapidly in the business world over the last 10-15 years, and statistics have proven that video marketing is very efficient and effective. This is why businesses of all types use it.  Hiring a freelance video maker is something to seriously consider when planning your next production. Nebraska freelance videographers have experience with […]

Funeral Live Streaming Services in Lincoln

Funeral Live Streaming Services  Bringing everyone together for a funeral can be hard to do. Health concerns, jobs, and many other situations can keep your loved ones from attending the memorial service, no matter how badly they want to. This is when funeral live streaming services in Lincoln could be what you need.  [blog-contact email=”[email protected]” […]

Funeral Live Streaming Services in Omaha

Funeral Live Streaming Services  Getting everyone together for a funeral or memorial service can be hard to do. Scheduling problems, illnesses, and other circumstances may keep your loved ones from attending a memorial service, no matter how much they want to be there. This is when funeral live streaming services in Omaha can help you.  […]

Filming E Learning Video Production in Omaha, NE

 Filming E Learning Video Production in Omaha, NE Videos used to be a nice concept but not often used. However, many people are seeing how important it is to use videos in e-learning videos in this day and age, especially when it comes to educational coursework. There are just so many ways you can use […]

How to Hire a Film Crew in Omaha

How to Hire a Film Crew in Omaha Learning how to hire a film crew in Omaha can be a difficult task to take on, but you need to do so to ensure that you create quality videos.  There are various things to consider when hiring a film staff: budget, experience, reliability, and much more. […]

How to Hire a Film Crew in Lincoln

How to Hire a Film Crew in Lincoln Learning how to hire a film crew in Lincoln can certainly be daunting but it can be helpful so that you create the best and highest quality videos! There are many aspects to think about when hiring a film staff: budget, knowledge, and expertise. Team Beverly Boy has outlined the best resources for […]

How to Hire a Video Crew in Lincoln

How to Hire a Video Crew in Lincoln Taking on a video project can be difficult because you have to work with and around a budget and other peoples’ time. What you need is to hire a video crew in Lincoln that has the expertise to get your video production done as swiftly and effectively […]

How to Hire a Video Crew in Omaha

How to Hire a Video Crew in Omaha Taking on a video project can be hard—you’re dealing with a budget and other peoples’ schedules. What you need is to hire a video crew in Omaha that has the professionalism and expertise to get your video production done as swiftly, effectively, and as high quality as […]

How much does a Lincoln camera crew cost?

How much does a Lincoln camera crew cost? For almost two decades, our Lincoln camera crew has been helping different clients across Nebraska with their video projects. If you want to draft the perfect budget for your project, you need to have a clear concept of what your project is all about. With a clear analysis […]

How much does an Omaha camera crew cost?

How much does an Omaha camera crew cost? It’s simple, the cost of an Omaha camera crew depends on what your project needs and what you want from it. Do you need one camera operator who can do the work in a day? Or maybe you need many different camera operators filming footage for a […]