Jersey City Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Did you know that 87% of marketing professionals have video as a marketing tool? Videography has increased greatly in the business world. Over the past 10 years, studies have shown how video marketing has become very effective. It’s no surprise that so many businesses include it in their campaigns. Working with a freelance video maker is absolutely something you may want to do when working on […]

Funeral Live Streaming Services in Jersey City

Funeral Live Streaming Services  Family and friends want to be present when a loved one passes but unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. From social distancing to illness, funeral live streaming services in Jersey City can be beneficial for when loved ones aren’t able to be together in person through their grief.   [blog-contact email=”[email protected]” label=”book your […]

Filming E Learning Video Production in Jersey City, NJ

Filming E Learning Video Production in Jersey City, NJ Video used to be a nice thing to have but it only recently has become a top tool in many industries. People know that when they want to captivate their audience while explain unique concepts, video is the way to go. Whatever e-learning video you want […]

How to Hire a Film Crew in Jersey City

How to Hire a Film Crew in Jersey City Learning how to hire a film crew in Jersey City can certainly be overwhelming. But, finding the right team makes a world of difference when it’s time to create the highest quality videos! There are a lot of things to think about when hiring a film staff: budget, expertise and of […]

How to Hire a Video Crew in Jersey City

How to Hire a Video Crew in Jersey City Taking on a video project can be quite scary. After all, you are dealing with a budget and other peoples’ time. You should hire a video crew in Jersey City that has the skills and experience to get your video production done swiftly, effectively, and as […]

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Jersey City?

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Jersey City? How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Jersey City? This is one of the most asked questions that we get several times a week. There isn’t a short, straightforward answer to this query because TV commercial production cost is ultimately […]

How much does a Jersey City camera crew cost?

How much does a Jersey City camera crew cost? If you want to learn more about the cost of hiring a Jersey City camera crew, it all depends on the details of your project. Does your project require one camera operator who can complete your project within a few hours? Or do you need more than three camera operators filming […]

How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in Jersey City

How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in Jersey City Live streaming an event is something that a lot of Jersey City business owners have considered, especially since COVID-19 has changed the way that several businesses operate and handle events. Widespread restrictions and closures have made it so that many Jersey City business owners are looking […]

Covid Safe Video Production in Jersey City, NJ

Covid Safe Video Production in Jersey City, NJ Need Covid Safe Video Production in Jersey City, NJ? Filmmaking is a team effort that requires all hands on deck. The film set is largely recognized as a place for potential virus spread and clearly requires some input from the CDC and other organizations in order for […]