What is Multi Camera Production?

What is Multi Camera Production

The term Multi Camera Production may come up in a variety of instances when talking about the film set and in regards to film projects, but what is Multi Camera Production exactly and what does it mean? https://vimeo.com/341725296[blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get a multi camera production quote here!”] Generally speaking, the decision is made early in the […]

Different Types of Mobile Framing Techniques in Film

Different Types of Mobile Framing Techniques in Film

To the naked eye, a film may be a powerful image that is exciting and fun to watch, but the audience pays little mind to the resources, skills, and technique that go into creating the video. Each film shot is actually an incredibly complex unit which is the foundation for the film segments that are ultimately […]

What is Compositing in Film?

What is Compositing in Film? Compositing is a term that frequently comes up in the film industry, but for those that are relatively new to filmmaking, the meaning may be misunderstood. What is compositing? And what does it actually mean? Whether you’re familiar with the term compositing or not, you’ve likely experienced composite images many […]

3 Simple Macro Lens Hacks Every Videographer Must Know

Simple Macro Lens Hacks Every Videographer Must Know At Beverly Boy Productions we’ve got worldwide studios and film sets with all the essential gear and equipment, so we rarely think about the random home videography hacks that some people are inclined to come up with in an effort to produce professional appearing footage when they […]