Sacramento Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Sacramento Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

With 87% of marketing professionals using video as a marketing tool, you can see how videography has increased in use in the business world. Over the past decade, statistics have shown us how effective video marketing can be.   Hiring a freelance video maker is something to think about doing if you want to create professional video. California freelance videographers have the knowledge to bring any idea to life, […]

Filming E Learning Video Production in Sacramento, CA

Filming E Learning Video Production in Sacramento, CA Video content didn’t used to be so popular. It was something that was “nice” to have, but it wasn’t commonly used like it is today. This is true with coursework and education activities. However, nowadays, e-learning courses provides a unique way to reach your audience, whether you’re […]

How to Hire a Video Crew in Sacramento

How to Hire a Video Crew in Sacramento When a relatively inexperienced crew receives a budget for a video project, it can be scary for them to deliver on the needs of the client. What you need to do it to hire a video crew in Sacramento that is overly qualified to run an effective video production. For you to design […]

Amazing Benefits of Webcasting Sacramento with Team Beverly Boy 

Amazing Benefits of Webcasting Sacramento with Team Beverly Boy  Businesses in Sacramento California are always looking for technologies and trends that can give them an edge over their competition. Webcasting services in Sacramento offers you a unique way of connecting with existing and prospective customers. If you want to create a loyal following for your brand, Webcasting Sacramento with Beverly […]

How much does a Sacramento camera crew cost?

How much does a Sacramento camera crew cost? Simply put, the cost of your Sacramento camera crew will depend on what your project entails. Do you require one camera operator who can do the work in 3 hours? Or do you need multiple camera operators filming footage to film for an entire day? Sacramento Camera […]

Sacramento remote shooting kits – Video Drop kits in California

5 Reasons to Book Sacramento Remote Shooting Kits If you want to have a seamless production when filming during COVID-19, you need to use remote shooting kits. The kits will enable your camera crew to engage in safe contactless video recording, while at the same time enabling exposure control. In the same way, your crew […]

10 Benefits of Hiring a Sacramento, California Production Company

10 Sacramento, California Production Company Film Perks At Beverly Boy Productions, we know what you need in a Sacramento, California production company. This city is rich in beautiful parks and outdoor locations, as well as iconic landmarks and we can help you capture the best footage in this Californian gem. Here are 10 reasons to hire a Cleveland […]