
6 Video Commercial Production Tips for Success

Television advertising is a valuable share of your marketing efforts, but the ROI is only as positive as the efforts that go into producing your TV ad. A poorly-produced commercial video is likely to lead to poor returns on your investment. Successful video production requires extensive planning and a level of creativity that you may have to search for.

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Follow these 6 video commercial production tips for success:

1. Seek Originality

Creativity and originality are most important when filming for television. Video commercial production requires a concept that is as creative as it is original. You cannot take the easy route and copy what your competitor did–just don’t do it!

Make it Yours!

This is the time to plan. Get creative. Have fun. Make sure whatever angle you use, it’s yours and yours alone!

2. Select Talent Carefully

Want to include talent in your video commercial production? Do so carefully and use care as you choose who will take a role in your production. Talent sets the standard for your video. Great talent will lead to well-memorized lines and a flow that is visually apparent. Poor talent will immediately be spotted. 

3. Plan the Production

Careful planning is vital to video commercial production success! Make sure that you have taken care to ensure that each line of the script has a purpose, no question is left unanswered, and you’ve targeted the deep emotions of your audience. Now is also a good time to plan a B-roll too!

4. Plan Shots

As you put together your shot list, make sure that you are using a healthy mix of creativity behind the camera. Lighting, sound, and every tiny detail should be considered now. This will save you production dollars later!

4. Choose Your Set

Careful consideration when choosing your set is equally important to planning the shots and scenes of your video commercial production project. Choose a set that simulates the exact location that your commercial is set in. Don’t settle for less!

5. Follow the Rule of Thirds

Every production company knows the importance of thirds but do you? As you work with the professionals to ensure video commercial production is a success, make sure that you obey the Rule of Thirds–this means, you split your view up into thirds both horizontally and vertically. Now make sure that you’re always framing your subject off-center. Anything less is unappealing.

Go Team Beverly Boy

Team Beverly Boy

Ready to take your video commercial production to the next level? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 today for more information! 


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