Need to Hire a Camera Crew? Here’s what you need to know.

Need to Hire a Camera Crew? Here’s what you need to know! As a Global video production company for almost 20 years, our clients contact us whenever they need to hire a camera crew. Over the years we have gained a keen understanding of the industry. Including the psychology of the people who make up […]

Why are Promo Videos for Brands so Important in 2024?

Why are Promo Videos for Brands so Important in 2024? Promotional marketing content has long been important to brands regardless of their size, but what about Promo Videos for Brands? Now more than ever before, Promo Videos for Brands are an absolutely vital component to any marketing and advertising campaign, but why? Why is it […]

Stockholm Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Stockholm Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024 With 87% of marketing professionals using video as a marketing tool, we can see how videography has increased in use in the business world. Over the past decade, statistics have proven that video marketing is one of the best tools out there, so it’s no surprise why so many brands use it for their campaigns. [blog-contact email=”email” […]

Top Indianapolis Video Production Insights 2024

Top Indianapolis video production insights 2024 – Trends On The Rise There are many video trends that are popping up in 2024 that corporations can use to help them tell their story in a more exciting way and reach more viewers than ever before. Last year, roughly 61% of companies used corporate videos to help […]

Tucson Freelance Videographer Prices in 2024

Tucson Freelance Videographer 2024

Did you know that 87% of marketing professionals use video when marketing? Videography has increased in use in the business world. Over the past 10 years, statistics have shown us how effective video marketing can be, so it’s no wonder why so many big brands use it. Hiring a freelance video maker is something to consider if you want to reach your objectives. Arizona freelance videographers have experience with […]

Video Marketing and Branding Techniques to Master in 2024

Video Marketing and Branding Techniques to Master in 2024 Video Marketing and Branding are critical components to success in today’s incredibly competitive industry. The video marketing techniques that you use to get ahead of the competition are largely going to impact how successful your campaigns are. That’s why we think it’s vitally important for brands […]

Top St. Paul Video Production Insights 2024

Top St. Paul video production insights 2024 – Trends You Want to Be Aware Of Video trends in 2024 are certainly different than they were before, even last year. For example, in the past year, there were only about 61 percent of companies that were actually using video to reach their audience. Now, this percentage is […]

Top San Antonio Video Production Insights 2024

Top San Antonio video production insights 2024 – Trends To Get To Know Better In 2024, we are seeing some game-changing trends that are shaking up how companies use video campaigns when telling their story, sharing information, and reaching viewers. Last year, roughly 6 percent of companies used video campaigns, but that number is now […]

Top Des Moines Video Production Insights 2024

Top Des Moines video production insights 2024 – Trends To Make Your Own Video trends in 2024 are very different than they were before. In fact, they are becoming the best way for companies to tell more about their brand message. Last year, there were only about 61 percent of companies actively using video, but now, […]

Top Cincinnati Video Production Insights 2024

Top Cincinnati Video Production Insights 2024 – Trends To Look For What you’re going to look for in 2024 should be video trends that are changing the way that companies can share their brand stories. This year, there has been an increase of companies that use video in their marketing campaigns, at 80 percent. Last year, […]