Producing an Interactive Active Shooter Training Video for the Workplace

Producing an Interactive Active Shooter Training Video for the Workplace

Watch any active shooter training video for the workplace and you’re going to quickly find a common denominator. All active shooter training videos that are produced have similar messaging which basically covers how to survive an active shooter event. What these videos all show is how to survive an active shooter even if you were to Run. Hide. Or Fight. What these videos don’t necessarily provide is an interactive experience that prepares you to fully gasp the consequences or potential benefits of each choice you have in an active shooting scenario. 

Fortunately, when it comes to active shooter preparedness, producing an interactive active shooter training video for the workplace can improve safety while increasing survival rates among organizations where such a scenario might unfold. In fact, interactive videos have many benefits in this type of training scenario, and at Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in the production of interactive training video content.

If you’re new to the idea of interactive video, you might want to consider all of the ways that an active shooter training video for the workplace could potentially benefit your business. Consider the following.

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Why Produce an Active Shooter Training Video for the Workplace?

Are you questioning why anyone would even want to produce a training video that focuses on active shooter preparedness? Many organizations are quick to question why they should even consider training on this subject, until they realize how close to home an active shooter scenario really can hit! The number of workplace related homicides since 2015 has steadily been between 300 and 500 per year. Many of these are the result of shooting. In fact, the number of active shooter incidents has been trending upward for the past decade. The average number of casualties from active shooter scenarios between 2016 and 2019 is 358 per year.

As you can see, there is certainly a need for active shooter training at the workplace level, especially if you want to provide your employees with the strongest chance of safety.  By providing an active shooter training video for the workplace, you’re showing your employees that their safety is important to you while they are at work. 

Why Consider Interactive Active Shooter Training Videos?

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We recommend the use of interactive active shooter training video content for the workplace for a number of reasons. Interactive video encourages stronger user-driven decision-making which also helps employees to exhibit a stronger sense of user control. In short, interactive active shooter training is fast, flexible and accessible, personalized, engaging and effective. 

Out of all the different ways that you could provide training for your employees to help them understand what they should do in the event of an active shooter being present while they’re at work, interactive training videos are the most valuable. Video is incredibly fast and flexible, which is exactly what today’s employees want and need. In a world where constant gratification is desired and short attention spans are the norm, microlearning that allows for immediate engagement without any long-winded training scenarios is really the best option.

Add the interactive element in and you’ve got an audience that is excited to engage! In fact, an interactive active shooter training video for the workplace will help your employees to:

  • Visualize themselves immersed in an interactive shooter scenario.
  • Learn what will happen if they Run. Hide. Or Fight. Their way through the scenario.
  • Engage in branching scenarios that build confidence in the various potential actions that an employee could take in an active shooting scenario at work.
  • Understand different situations and the role that employees will play in each.

Interactive Videos Make Training More Engaging

Any type of training video is bound to increase engagement among your employees, but when it comes to providing training on an active shooter scenario, it’s vital that all employees are fully engaged in the training as it could be potentially life-saving in the event of an active shooter situation. That’s why interactive training videos are ideal for this type of teaching.

Interactive videos make training more engaging for your employees. Rather than a group of employees passively watching your active shooter training, you’ll have employees that are in control of the pace at which they are going to learn about what they should do, how they should behave, and when they should act in order to deescalate the situation, improve their safety, and come out alive.

With an interactive active shooter training video for the workplace, your employees are going to learn what it takes to overcome an active shooting scenario at work through engagement driven opportunities that encourage trainees to examine different paths and scenarios that could lead to their safety.  

If you want to engage your employees and guarantee that they’re going to follow and fully immerse themselves in the training that you provide for this life or death situation, producing an interactive active shooter training video for the workplace is key! Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today to learn more about how you can get started with production of interactive training videos for your organization!

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