Customer Service Training Videos for Hospitality Businesses Teach These Skills

Customer Service Training Videos for Hospitality Businesses Teach These Skills

Teaching your employees how to provide exceptional customer service isn’t just something to rush through. It can be absolutely vital to your business operations. Poor customer service will turn customers away faster than almost anything else, but customer service training for hospitality businesses doesn’t have to be so much hassle nor does it have to be so costly. Customer service training videos for hospitality businesses teach important skills including essential soft skills that make for exceptional customer service.

If you’re having trouble figuring out where to begin with your plans to produce customer service training videos for your hospitality business, consider teaching positive attitude, great listening, problem-solving, or customer recovery to get started. Customer service training videos for hospitality businesses can be used to teach any of these or other important customer service skills.

customer testimonial for restaurant

Teaching Positive Attitude with Video

Having a great and positive attitude is an essential customer service skill. It may even come above all other skills as someone with a positive attitude is going to “rub off” on their customer even in situations where things are less than perfect. Fortunately, you can teach your employees how to have a positive attitude and to present an “anything goes” kind of service despite any roadblocks or concerns with video.

Customer service training videos for hospitality businesses teach positive attitude in a variety of ways. Consider using video to teach your employees how to overcome an unsatisfied customer, competing priorities, or rude coworkers by providing training on:

  • How to maintain a positive attitude despite a lack of control.
  • How to control their emotions when dealing with customers.
  • How to maintain a positive attitude that will improve the customer’s attitude alongside.
  • The importance of spreading cheer, not negativity.

Training videos can be used to offer memorable tips and scenarios-based experiences in which the employee can choose how to react to customers and immediately see the outcome. This helps to reinforce the importance of staying positive.

Teaching Exceptional Listening with Video

Quality listening is a skill that is best taught using scenarios-based learning that allows your employees to engage in simple tasks that require them to stop what they’re doing and listen. Establishing a strong rapport with your customer is essential to the customer experience, which is why listening is so important in customer service training. An employee that doesn’t “hear” their customer will quickly frustrate even the most patient of clients.

With customer service training videos for hospitality workers, training is provided on how to listen to customers without interrupting and how to be a good listener. This also includes when to ask questions if you’re struggling to understanding a customer as well as how to provide feedback to the customer that reiterates what the customer said to ensure that the employee fully understood.

Video training can also be used to provide employees with greater understanding of how to deal with language barriers that might occur and how to handle situations where they misunderstand a customer.

Teaching Essential Problem Solving with Video

Another essential soft skill for customer service employees is problem-solving. Using video to provide problem-solving training for employees is an excellent way to ensure that you can put your customer service reps into situations where they might have to deal with disgruntled customers or unhappy clients. This is also essential to ensure employees understand the importance of staying calm in situations that require immediate problem solving.

Customer service training videos that focus on problem solving skills can be used to present unique scenarios in which employees must utilize their problem solving skills in order to provide top quality service to clients. Consider producing these types of training videos to provide information on how to solve customer challenges and problems unique to your business, how to say “Yes” to customers no matter what, and the importance of a “customer is always right” approach.

Teaching Customer Recovery with Video 

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Teaching customer recovery is another serious focus for customer service training in the hospitality business, particularly as each customer acquisition cost tends to be so high. You don’t want to lose your customers due to poor customer service or a lack of knowledge as to what to do in the event that a customer is unhappy. 

Customer service training videos for hospitality businesses can be used to teach on a variety of customer recovery topics including:

  • How to apologize to a customer for their inconvenience.
  • How to admit any mistakes on the business.
  • How to talk with the customer without placing blame.
  • What to say to prevent the situation from escalating.
  • How to stay calm while providing customer service in a tense situation.

These, and other important customer service topics can be covered with top quality customer service training videos for hospitality businesses. If you’re interested in producing customer service training videos for your business, Beverly Boy Productions can help!

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