
How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Strongsville?

“What’s the cost to produce a commercial in Strongsville?” is a question we often hear. The answer isn’t straightforward, as the cost of TV commercial production is ultimately determined by your preferences. Whether you aim to broadcast your commercial on local cable through Spectrum or DirecTV or on Strongsville broadcast affiliates like WKYC 3 or WEWS 5, we’re here to support you.

The average cost for a TV ad in Strongsville can range from $1,500 to $150,000, depending on various factors. For more information, contact us or visit our Strongsville TV commercial production page to view samples and discuss your project.

30 second TV commercial in Strongsville

Looking to create a 30 second TV commercial in Strongsville? Even if you have a modest budget for a new brand commercial and notice competitors airing on WJW 8, don’t fret. If you’re in Ohio and need a 30 second TV commercial in Strongsville to compete, it’s achievable.

The cost to produce a 30 second commercial in Strongsville can be as low as $1,500 – $3,500. If the production cost isn’t a concern, tell us your vision, and we’ll bring it to life.


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Know what you want

In summary, the cost to produce a television commercial in Strongsville/Ohio really depends on your creative concepts. To get an idea of the cost of producing a commercial in Strongsville but unsure what to create, explore online options for inspiration.

We film commercials across Ohio, from Cleveland to corporate commercials in Akron, as well as animated TV commercials in Parma. Contact us for a free quote today.

You need high production value

For an impactful presence in the industry, consider a high production value commercial. So, what’s the cost to produce a commercial in Strongsville? For premium quality, you’ll need actors, a makeup artist, a professional camera crew, a studio, a director, and other essentials. This caliber of production typically costs about 20k to 30k.

Creating a top-notch Strongsville TV commercial might be pricier due to the need for expert professionals and various components. A professional video production company can manage your budget efficiently, ensuring clarity in expenses.

How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Strongsville?

Now, the cost to air a commercial in Strongsville varies. A 30 second commercial in Strongsville might cost between $50 or $80 per spot to $1,500, or $20,000 per spot, depending on several factors. If your focus is the Strongsville TV market, expect around $50 per 30 second spot.


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If you aim to reach a wider audience beyond Strongsville/Ohio in prime time broadcast network TV programs, costs could exceed $10,000 per 30 second TV spot. For extensive reach with your Strongsville TV Advertisement, this investment can be worthwhile.

Final Steps

With the question, “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Strongsville?” answered, consider the specifics of TV commercial production. Each local network has preferred specifications for receiving a TV ad. We can tailor your project to meet the requirements of local Strongsville networks. Contact Beverly Boy Productions today!

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