
How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Laurel?

Frequently asked, “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Laurel?” the answer depends on your requirements. Planning to air your commercial on local cable via Comcast or Verizon or through Laurel broadcast affiliates like WJLA-TV (ABC) or WBFF (Fox)? We’re here to help.

The average cost of a TV ad in Laurel generally ranges from $1,500 to $150,000, but it largely hinges on your vision. To learn more, contact us or visit our Laurel TV commercial production page for examples and to discuss your project.

30 second TV commercial in Laurel

Need a 30-second TV commercial in Laurel? For those with new businesses on a budget, standing out amidst competitors already on air on networks like WUSA 9 can be challenging. In Maryland, a 30-second TV commercial in Laurel could cost between $1,500 and $3,500. However, if budget isn’t a constraint, let us know your requirements, and we’ll bring your vision to life.

Know what you want

Ultimately, the cost to produce a TV commercial in Laurel/Maryland depends on what you intend to create. If you’re unsure, explore online for inspiration. Share your ideas with us for an estimate. We film commercials throughout Maryland, from major cities like Baltimore to corporate ads in Annapolis and political campaign commercials in Columbia.


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You need high production value

For a commercial with high production value in Laurel, consider involving actors, makeup artists, a professional camera crew, a studio, and a director. This type of commercial, requiring expertise and specialized equipment, could cost around 20k to 30k.

A high-caliber Laurel TV commercial will cost more due to the quality and resources involved. A professional video production company like Beverly Boy Productions will manage your budget effectively.

How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Laurel?

After producing your TV spot, the next question is: how much does it cost to air a commercial in Laurel? Costs vary significantly, ranging from $50 to $20,000 per spot. A local Laurel TV ad could be as low as $50 per 30-second spot. However, to reach a broader audience beyond Laurel/Maryland during a prime-time TV program, costs could exceed $10,000 per 30-second spot, ensuring thousands of viewers for your high-end Laurel TV Ad.


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Final Steps

With your question, “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Laurel?” answered, it’s time to broadcast your TV ad. Each local network has specific requirements for TV ads. Beverly Boy Productions knows what Laurel Networks needs and can guide you through the process—contact us today!

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