What are Ozploitation Films & Why Are They So Popular?

What are Ozploitation Films & Why Are They So Popular?

The Australian New Wave was a period which began in the 1970s and would largely evolve into a hodge podge of various genre films featuring elements of horror, comedy, and action all packed in a single experience. The resulting ozploitation films that would become so wildly popular not so much in Australia but in the United States would continue to draw interest well into the 2000s. But what does “Ozploitation” even mean? And what does it have to do with cinema?

Video Production Filming Camera

A Blending of Words & Worlds

Ozploitation is literally the blending of the term “Australia” or “Aussie” and “exploitation.”

It’s a term that was coined for the purpose of giving name to a particularly notable style of film that became popular through the Australian New Wave.

Which erupted in the 1970s and crossed various broad classifications of films.


Much like classifications such as Grindhouse, exploitation, sexploitation.

Or similar sub-genre labeling which we’ve seen used for films that fall within the realms of Blaxploitation (including films such as Black Dynamite and Blacula).

As well as Nunsploitation (including films such as Dark Waters and Behind Covent Walls). 

For Example

Director Quentin Tarantino called these films “Aussieploitation” representing the sub-genre that would literally be a mashup of styles that some referred to as “sex, death and disaster.”

Ozploitation films often include female nudity and violence which is delivered through exaggerated villain portrayals within an “outback” style setting or otherwise barren location. 

Make no mistake, ozploitation films are not any and all films produced in Australia nor are they any and all Australia New Wave films. Ozploitation is represented by very unique characteristics.

Ozploitation Film Style

So what are those characteristics that would be considered so representative of ozploitation films? For starters, ozploitation films are usually focused heavily on the shock factor.

More so than on prestige. They largely coincide with the introduction of the R Rating in Australia.

Which occurred in 1971 unhinging a variety of films that would shed some light on the “other” side of Australia – a wilder side.

Pushing the Boundaries

Ozploitation films exploited Australia’s other side. They largely exploited niche genres, trends, and gory or otherwise obscene content.

Often times, some of the best ozploitation films would introduce us to a mashup of all of the above. All of this occurs with the strong, undeniable Australian undertone.

These films would go as far as possible in pushing the boundaries of censorship.

Some Examples

Despite their minimal budgets and reengage style production, amazing performances were born out of the wild.

Resulting in films like Mad Max and Wake in Fright. As well as Turkey Shoot and many more.

Ozploitation films certain played a key role in the revival of Australian cinema adding not only a unique chapter to the history of Australian filmmaking.

But influencing contemporary cinema well into the future. 

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