
film schools

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Film School?

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Film School? Film school is sometimes the deciding factor between achieving your dreams in the film industry and staying behind on the set. If you’re an aspiring filmmaker, you’ve probably considered film school at least once before. You may even be wondering, […]


title cinematography techniques you can't learn in film school

10 Cinematography Techniques You Won't Learn in Film School

10 Cinematography Techniques You Won’t Learn in Film School Cinematography is a lot of things. It’s camera angles and movements. It’s lighting and sound recording. It’s the work of a professional that spent years in film school mastering the basics and then several more years in the field doing what […]


Top 5 Indianapolis Film Schools

Top 5 Indianapolis Film Schools for Aspiring Filmmakers to Consider

Top 5 Indianapolis Film Schools for Aspiring Filmmakers to Consider Indianapolis, Indiana, offers residents and visitors a unique film industry with several options for aspiring filmmakers to expand their education. To learn more about Indianapolis film schools, continue reading. The schools below offer students a sense of community and fellowship […]