
Daily Archives: March 12, 2020

title 6 ways you're failing at facebook video and how you can fix it

6 Ways You're Failing at Facebook Video (And how to Fix it!)

6 Ways You’re Failing at Facebook Video (And how to Fix it!) Marketers use Facebook video for all sorts of things these days. Unfortunately, for all the Facebook marketing that takes place, much is worthy of nothing more than an “F” grade. Marketing professionals use videos on Facebook all the […]


title tips for effective how to training videos

8 Tips for Effective How-to Training Videos

8 Tips for Effective How-to Training Videos Your company needs how-to training videos to help new team members thrive or maybe to help customers understand how to use products or services with ease. But how can you create how-to training videos that will help your brand achieve success? Creating how […]


title camera movements explained

Camera Movements Explained with Examples

Camera Movements Explained with Examples Many different camera movements exist to make a production come together. There are options relative to each angle and shot and position. Combining the movements with various other cinematography techniques will achieve the desired look. In fact, there are endless options when you use camera […]