Are LinkedIn Native Videos Really Necessary?

When it comes to marketing, new elements can be super beneficial or they could be super worthless, many fall somewhere in between. With LinkedIn native videos, a mixed review comes to mind as there are instances in which they are powerful, and those in which they are not so useful at all. But, are LinkedIn native videos really necessary? We’re outlining the good, the bad and the ugly details that you need to know when it comes to using LinkedIn native videos as part of your overall LinkedIn video strategy.

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What is LinkedIn Native Video Anyway?

LinkedIn native video is recorded for the purpose of being uploaded to LinkedIn as an update for your followers to see. While native video has been present for quite some time on both mobile and desktop, many marketers are still unaware of how it works exactly.

Essentially, native video has more weight than videos that are not native and, therefore, LinkedIn native videos have greater visibility than other forms of video content that are shared on the social network such as those which are first posted to YouTube and then shared on LinkedIn.

Use LinkedIn native video to show your followers who you are, what you enjoy and the things you stand for. Despite LinkedIn being a place where video has traditionally lagged, CEOs and those interested in sharing their brand on LinkedIn now have a vast playing field to work with that was never before available.

But, is LinkedIn native video really necessary to add to the mix of already seemingly overwhelming sources to upload a business video to? Maybe.

Why Use LinkedIn Native Video?

LinkedIn has more than 500 million users worldwide. Spanning 200 countries, the social media platform that focuses specifically on business building is a B2B marketer’s dream in many ways.

However, many marketers have not yet realized the value that comes from being fully involved in producing videos for LinkedIn. Especially considering the platform has long been behind various other social media platforms in terms of the opportunities that are provided for businesses on the site.

Since native video rolled out for LinkedIn in August 2017, the statistics have consistently shown that native videos are treated different than those that are uploaded elsewhere on the web and then shared in LinkedIn.

In fact, the analytics are quite powerful:

  • Native videos are shared 20 times more frequently than other forms of content.
  • 84% of businesses use LinkedIn to share business related content.
  • Numerous studies have shown that LinkedIn is the best place for BDB companies to find and convert leads.
  • The Search intent of the term LinkedIn has more than doubled in the past ten years.
  • 40% of LinkedIn Users engage on the platform daily.
  • 50% of college graduates in the US are LinkedIn users.
  • 44% of LinkedIn users take home more than $75K per year.

So, this may make you think – “Well, my target market really isn’t on LinkedIn.” Or, it may make you think, “Wow, my target market is on LinkedIn.” And if you think the latter, you need to be using LinkedIn native video advertising to your advantage.

The Downside to LinkedIn Native Videos

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So, now that you know what kind of people you have the potential to reach when you use LinkedIn native videos, let’s talk about the negative aspects or the potential “ugly” aspects of LinkedIn native videos. There aren’t many downsides, but we promised to give you the good and the bad.

So here it goes:

LinkedIn native video may be kind of late in the game. While it has been proven an effective means of reaching a wider audience for businesses interested in B2B content sharing, marketers haven’t jumped fully on board still and the native advertising has been around for several years.

That’s a negative for sure, but it’s not really LinkedIn’s fault nor is it something that will negatively impact your native videos if you decide to post them on LinkedIn.

In fact, while a fraction of LinkedIn video posts prove to be native, the statistics do show that those that use native videos are seeing the benefit of increased reach and views. Sadly, Linked videos have several restrictions that make it relatively difficult for some users to utilize the social giant to upload video.

If you have a professional video created for LinkedIn, uploading it can be challenging as the mobile app makes uploading videos from a phone that were just filmed easy, but doesn’t provide such ease of upload to those who add content in other ways. This is another potential negative.

SO What’s a Marketer to Do?

So, should you be using LinkedIn Native video? Yes! Is it easy? Not always. Is it valuable–usually.

If you’re marketing business to business, or you’re looking to connect with those that have a college education and are in the upper income earning ranges of the U.S. or some 200 other countries, LinkedIn native videos are totally worth the effort.

But it makes sense to do your research and make sure you can connect properly with those from your target audience on LinkedIn before you take out too much time trying to create video content that you can share on the site.

For help creating native LinkedIn videos, contact Beverly Boy Productions today at 888-462-7808. We can’t wait to assist you!