
Video Production for the Appliance Repair Industry

As discretional spending rises, and the number of people making $100K or more in the U.S. continues to increase, one might assume that appliance repair shops would be doing less than “good” due to more consumers turning to purchase new appliances over repairing what they already have. However, global supply chain struggles, largely caused by COVID-19 and a variety of other logistics elements, actually make it challenging to source new appliances resulting in an overall rise in the demand for appliance repair. Video Production for the Appliance Repair Industry includes various steps to market, grow & train appliance repair businesses across the country.

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For many appliance repair businesses, a decline in industry revenue is not enough to cause an overall decline in profits largely because there has been such an unexpected & sustained growth in demand due to the rise in homeownership, logistics concerns making the decision to purchase a new appliance more challenging, and various other concerns.

Beverly Boy Productions works closely with appliance repair shops in this $5 billion dollar industry to provide expert video production services focused on marketing & promotions, training, and building audience trust that is essential to fueling increased conversions, sales & revenue for the brand. 

Promotional Videos for the Appliance Repair Industry

Promoting an appliance repair business is largely centered on building audience interest, increasing trust, and generating more sales. Short, powerful promotional videos can be shared across many different social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where as many as 64% of consumers state they have made a purchase after seeing branded video content. As an appliance repair shop owner, you might also choose to distribute promotional videos on third-party websites, in your own email campaigns where they can boost click-through by up to 300%, or on a variety of other platforms on the internet & on television. 


Marketing Videos for the Appliance Repair Industry

Similar to promotional videos but with a lot more versatility & the potential to achieve a wider variety of goals, marketing videos for your appliance repair shop can educate your audience, create hype or interest around your business, and drive leads or revenue, but they can also help you to reach various other conversion-specific or non-conversion-related goals.

Marketing video production for the appliance repair industry can:

• Increase landing page conversions.
• Drive organic traffic to your website.
• Increase social shares up to 1200%.
• Improve click-through rates.
• Boost audience interest & engagement.

Consumers are spending an average of 100 minutes or more engaging in digital video online each day. Platforms like TikTok & other social media platforms tend to have some of the highest engagement rates where consumers are frequently & consistently engaging with other consumers & businesses that they may or may not know. Many are looking to discover new things, others are seeking information on a particular product or service, and many are simply there to pass time but wind up finding new interests along the way.

Training Videos for the Appliance Repair Industry

Appliance repair shops utilize training videos for a variety of purposes over the course of their careers. Many turn to training videos as a means of engaging their staff members & team so that they can actively build up knowledge & understanding across their staff as they potentially grow & build a stronger team.

Training video production for the appliance repair industry can:

• Positively impact training outcomes resulting in 95% knowledge retention.
• Reduce training time by providing visual training that delivers significantly more information in far less time.
• Provide consistent training across a remote workforce or in a large team where its hard to bring the entire team together at one time to engage in learning.
• Offer path-based learning that is easier to follow than written training programs or in-person training activities.

Video training programs save time & money, too. Perhaps this is why 88% of companies already use video based training to their advantage?

Interview Videos for the Appliance Repair Industry

Expert interviews are another way for appliance repair shops to provide essential information to their target audience so that they can boost confidence & increase consumer interest in the services that they provide. In fact, interview Video Production for the Appliance Repair Industry can aid in the growth of audience interest, engagement, trust & confidence. Each of these are important aspects of generating leads & sales that are integral to growing your business or brand & achieving predefined revenue growth goals. 


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Ask Team Beverly Boy about the many different types of video production for the appliance repair industry and how you can put each important type of video to work for your business. Not only will videos help you to grow your audience, increase your business reputation & and generate more leads & sales, but they’ll also help you to improve profits. In fact, over half of all marketing professionals worldwide agree that video is the most valuable type of content for growing ROI for any business, including those that are part of the appliance repair industry!

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