title corporate recruitment videos

Using Corporate Recruitment Videos to Your Hiring Advantage

Corporate recruiting is a necessity for both large and small businesses. The need to hire new employees seems to arise at the busiest times when recruiters have the least amount of time available to devote to actual recruiting. We’re showing you how you can use corporate recruitment videos to your hiring advantage to get more potential employees interested in your brand.

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Promote Your Business with Video

Is your business great to work for? Do you offer paid time off and better compensation than any other business around? Promote these benefits to a wider audience with video.

You can include videos that show off fun events, traditions around the office, or other elements of your corporate culture that will get others interested in becoming part of what your brand has to offer.

Companies that use corporate video content to recruit have a 75% higher chance or hiring than those that don’t. Videos can be used to add a personal tone to an otherwise impersonal event like hiring.

Keep in mind that your authenticity is important when creating promotional videos for recruiting employees. Place a face to the company name, show others what you’re about, and make your business shine to prospective employees.

Include a Video Job Description

When discussing corporate recruitment videos consider showing the job in action. Videos can be used in job descriptions to show exactly what a day in the life of the role is like.

Instead of long and detailed job descriptions that outline every single daily task, consider a video that outlines some of the key tasks visually. This will attract more prospective employees and may answer some early questions about the job too.

Many applications allow videos to be included with the job description. In fact, according to Career Builder, job descriptions that include video are viewed up to 12% more than those that do not include a video. Furthermore, application rates are up 35% on jobs that include video in their description.

Provide Video Interviews

Live Streaming Business Meetings & Events

Video interviews offer a unique opportunity for companies to conduct interviews more conveniently and frequently than ever before. Many companies now accept video interviews as the initial contact with potential employees.

Video interviews may be conducted live, face-to-face with software or they may be recorded. Many recruiters find that providing a list of interview questions to be answered and collecting recorded interviews is more efficient for the early recruiting process.

Onboard New Employees with Video

Video onboarding is also gaining popularity. Businesses can use video onboarding and training to help new employees get acquainted with the business and learn what their role will be like.

First day procedures, vacation requests, and other details can be explained in new employee onboarding videos that are recorded once and can be used over and over again. This saves businesses time and effort making the onboarding process more smooth and easy for everyone.

For help creating corporate recruitment videos for your business or brand, call Beverly Boy Productions at 888-462-7808 today.

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