
5 Reasons to Produce a Workplace Safety Training Video for Your Employees 

Workplace safety is a growing concern across many industries particularly as more than 100 workplace fatalities occur each week in the United States. As more business owners face challenges with common workplace health and safety hazards, the need for stronger communication of workplace safety initiatives and better workplace safety training is more important than ever. Producing a workplace safety training video for your employees can have several major benefits, especially as many workplace injuries and incidents can be prevented with proper safety training. 

 Many safety training programs can be delivered via video course reducing the need for interruptions in employee day-to-day operations for training and minimizing total costs involved in keeping the workplace safe. In fact, a workplace safety training video ensures consistency, convenience, reduced cost, and improved understanding of the content being delivered within the video to your target audience. Checkout these 5 reasons to produce a workplace safety training video for your employees, today!

  1. Consistency in Training

Even the most valuable workplace safety training messages can get lost in translation. You hire a professional to train a group of employees, they do a great job so you hire that professional to come back and train another group on the same concepts. The only thing is, the next time around the individual providing the training uses different messaging, changes the examples that they provide, or has less enthusiasm when teaching.  The result? Your second group of employees learns significantly less and retains less from their training than the first group.

This isn’t acceptable, or at least it shouldn’t be! You need to know that your employees are getting the same valuable training regardless of when, where, or how they are taught. Producing a workplace safety training video for your employees will ensure the same instruction, no matter when, where or how they learn it!

  1. Convenience for Employees & Business Owners

One of the biggest drawbacks to workplace safety training is the fact that it often either requires employees to travel to a special location for training on their time off, or it’s just not convenient. Safety training manuals are long, dated, and downright boring to read. Training seminars are costly, require extensive planning and coordination, and can be inconvenient both for the business and for the employees engaging in the programs.

A workplace safety training video eliminates all of this inconvenience. Employees can train on their time, anytime and anywhere. Management can track employee engagement in the training from anywhere and at any time. The convenience means there’s really no excuse NOT to complete training at desired intervals which means all employees will have consistent, timely training that meets their unique needs. 

  1. Reduced Training Costs & Workplace Accident Costs

Workplace accidents cost upwards of $171B annually as of 2019. That’s the cost in lost productivity, medical expenses, and administrative expenses. These costs are the direct impacts and expenses to society and do not reflect the cost of employer insurance coverages, changes in insurance, or other associated costs that are directly relative to the employer. 

In comparison, the typical workplace safety training course averages between $60 and $80 for an online course of up to 10 hours of training and about $180 for 30 hours of training.  Of course total training costs vary by industry, individual need, and various other factors but it’s pretty safe to say that it’s a lot cheaper to train employees how to be safe than it is to suffer the costs involved with workplace accidents!

Producing a workplace safety training video for your employees is going to reduce your total training costs by reducing the need for employee travel, limiting the need for an in-house training specialist, and improving overall training outcomes. These are just a few of the many ways that workplace safety training videos reduce training costs and improve employee safety outcomes.

  1. Improved Employee Understanding of Safety Concepts

Video has the power to improve employee understanding of the safety concepts that you’re teaching your employees. Not only do employees retain more of what they learn in a video, by up to 80% or more, they are also more likely to understand complex concepts that they see in video format versus written form. Employees gain significant overall value from their ability to engage and interact with a video message being delivered in training as opposed to that message being delivered via  book or manual. 

  1. Stronger Completion Tracking 

Even the best workplace safety training isn’t valuable if the employee doesn’t finish the training! Many workplaces have complex training programs that include a variety of manuals, reading objectives, and various quizzes or tests. These can be difficult for employees to keep up with, and they’re equally challenging for management to track. 

When workplace safety training consumes too much time on the employee or management end, it’s bound to suffer! Producing a workplace safety training video for your employees can provide stronger completion tracking through integrated course analytics that show management where an employee left off with their training, when they last trained, and for how long. This gives managers peace of mind in knowing their employees have the workplace safety training they need to keep themselves, and others safe at work.

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