A List of Important Customer Testimonial Questions to Ask Your Customers

A List of Important Customer Testimonial Questions to Ask Your Customers 

The rise of video across social media platforms, websites, and virtually anywhere an internet connection is available has given rise to the way that business owners create marketing content to grow their brands, but customer testimonials are still one of the key elements of any powerful marketing campaign. Customer testimonial videos have the power to positively impact your brand or business in a variety of ways as long as you’re asking the most important customer testimonial questions in order to generate the type of content that’s most likely to drive success for your business. 

Great customer testimonial videos can help you to generate more leads, build social proof, and increase trust among your target audience like no other form of content can. The customer testimonial questions that you ask your customers will help you to formulate a story that allows your prospective customers to visualize your brand in a positive light. But with an endless number of questions that you could ask, how do you safely come up with a list of customer testimonial questions that are going to capture the details about your customer experience that your audience is most interested in?

At Beverly Boy Productions, we’ve got decades of experience in the creation of customer testimonial videos and other forms of marketing content that drive results for brand owners. To help you figure out what customer testimonial questions you should be asking, we’ve put together this list of the most important customer testimonial questions for you to ask in order to generate professional customer testimonial videos for your business or brand.

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  1. What challenges led you to seeking a brand like ours?

This is a great question to ask your customers in order to build the background story and to create a situation where your current customers can build a visual that your prospective customers can relate with. The idea is to show that your past customers are just like your prospective customers.

  1. What solutions did you try before you purchased our product/service?

This is one of those customer testimonial questions that is focused on building the background story and making the connection with your customers on the competition and what they were unable to do for the client. You want your prospective customers to feel like, “Yea, I tried XYZ competitor too, and it hasn’t worked,” or “Wow, I was thinking about trying XYZ competitor, I’m glad I didn’t waste my time.”

  1. What made you finally research further and consider our product/service?

This question is to show your prospective audience that your customer is credible, they had a problem, they tried some solutions, and they continued their research. It should also give some background into the research that was done and any other steps that were taken leading up to their purchase of your product/service.

  1. What was it that made our product/service stand out to you?

This is one of several customer testimonial questions that you can ask to get a feel for how your past customers perceived your marketing and it will help to make the connection between your new customers if they’ve also noticed the same elements of your marketing. The idea is for your testimonial to build trust among your audience, which requires a connection.

  1. Did you face any obstacles or initial challenges in regards to purchasing from us?

This is important for multiple reasons. You want to know if the customer found the process of making a purchase easy or difficult, but you also want to know if there were any elements of your marketing that had the customer on the fence about whether or not to purchase. This way you can adjust your marketing for the future, but it will also be likely that your prospects have similar feelings so this will build that connection in how purchase decisions are made to help your prospects overcome any challenges they might currently have.

  1. Since purchasing our product/service, what challenges or problems have been solved for you?

This is one of the most important customer testimonial questions to ask because it’s going to explain to your prospective customers exactly what your products/services have done to solve the problems that your current customers had. It proves that their purchase was beneficial to them and it shows that they are satisfied with their decision.

  1. Were there any surprise benefits following your purchase from our brand?

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A lot of times, customers will make a purchase thinking they need a product or service to solve a particular problem and in doing so they will also find that there are other benefits that they didn’t expect to see from their purchase. In other words, they’re extra-satisfied because their purchase offered more than just a solution to their one problem. This is important because it’s going to help your prospects to feel even better about their idea of making a purchase.

  1. Would you recommend our product/service to others, and why?

This is really one of those important customer testimonial questions that is focused on helping to finalize that decision by your prospect to purchase from you. If other customers are willing to recommend your products/services and they have distinct reasons behind their recommendation, the testimonial will appear authentic and most valuable. 

Ready to produce customer testimonial videos that will drive revenue for your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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