
How to Produce a Short Case Study Video that Will Engage Your Audience 

Case study videos are increasingly becoming more commonplace across a variety of industries when it comes to driving consumers down the marketing funnel and helping to guide their decision-making processes. In fact, a short case study video can have as much impact, or more, than many other forms of marketing content and, according to many top marketers and agencies, can be considered “marketing gold.” But learning how to produce a short case study video that’s going to maximize your audience engagement and deliver on the intended goal is an art form in itself.

Many business owners lack the time that it takes to effectively learn how to produce a short case study video that’s going to engage a target audience. While a written case study is always an option, we’ve seen time and again that video is the medium that draws viewer attention most, comes across as most convincing, and is what audiences are looking for when they engage online. There’s just something about being able to see the case study that draws audience trust and builds authority for the brand. 

Pre-Production Planning for a Short Case Study Video

Part of producing a short case study video is going to be focusing on the pre-production processes that come into play to ensure the production goes without a hitch. There are several key steps in pre-production that go into learning how to produce a short case study video that’s going to engage your target audience. They are:

  • Focusing on the interview questions rather than a script.
  • Choosing a location for the case study shoot based on accessibility for the subject as well as visual relevance.
  • Planning essential shots as part of a shot list that outlines technical details of the production.
  • Choosing the style of video and storytelling that will be used to deliver the case study details to the audience. This is typically a mix of interviews, expert insight, and b-roll but things like slow-motion footage or animations may also come into play.
  • Preparing for any specific needs that are likely to come up during the shoot such as hiring someone to handle hair and making on set, having food or coffee on set, and ensuring that you have backup support.
  • Choosing the appropriate film crew to shoot the interviews, b-roll footage, and any other needs.

With all of this in mind, you’re going to be fully prepared on shoot day so that you can maximize your use of film crew, equipment, and the subjects that are on set that day to ensure you get all of the footage you need.

Production for a Short Case Study Video

On film day, you’re going to have a lot to take care of still in order to get all of your footage in a short timeframe so as to keep costs at a minimum. You don’t want to have your shoot roll into more than one shoot day if possible because doing so means you need equipment, support, crew, and other needs for longer which will add to the budget.

To ensure a smooth shoot, you should have prepared many of the needs in pre-production, but you’ll have to still be concerned about the interviews, making sure your interviewees feel comfortable while on set, and ensuring that all tasks that are important for the film day are getting handled in a timely manner.

If you haven’t hired a producer, you’ll likely have a lot more on your plate than if you were to have that added help. This is something to consider ahead of the shoot, especially if you’re new to film production. 

Making sure that you capture all interviews, and that you film plenty of b-roll to support the interview stories that unfold is the primary focus on production or film day. Ideally, film interviews at the beginning of the day so that you have plenty of time for additional shots of your subjects if needed as well as to capture plenty of b-roll to go along.

Post-Production for a Short Case Study Video

BBP post production editing

With your footage complete, you’ll move onto post-production which is where all of the editing of your short case study footage is going to happen. Learning how to produce a short case study video is a lot of work, and post-production is one of the most challenging aspects of the entire process. Most business owners choose to hire a professional, if not for the entire project, at least for post.

During post-production, your case study video will go through a series of reviews so that the team can decide which footage to use, where to make cuts, what transitions to incorporate into the story, and how to piece everything including the b-roll, narration, and footage together along with special effects, graphics, and music to create a finished piece. This is called the final cut.

As a professional film crew, we’d love to help you learn how to produce a short case study video that’s going to engage your audience, and we’re able to work with you every step of the way. Give Beverly Boy Productions a call to learn more!

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