
How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Fitchburg?

This question about commercial production costs in Fitchburg comes up often. Ultimately, the cost of TV commercial production is up to you. If you’re planning to broadcast your ad on local cable through providers like Charter Spectrum or DirecTV or on Fitchburg broadcast affiliates such as WMTV NBC 15 or WKOW 27, our team is ready to help you navigate the nuances of your project’s needs and budget.

The typical expense for a television advertisement in Fitchburg could range from $1,500 to $150,000, depending on various factors involved in your project. To understand the budget required for your commercial, feel free to contact us. Or, visit our Fitchburg TV commercial production page for samples and to discuss your project with us.

30-second TV commercial in Fitchburg

Interested in producing a 30-second TV commercial in Fitchburg? Even if your business is small and you’re working with a limited budget, while your competitors flood platforms like YouTube and local channels like WISC-TV 3, don’t feel daunted. If you’re in Wisconsin and aiming to create a 30-second TV commercial in Fitchburg, we’ve got you covered for a fast and effective spot.


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The cost for a 30-second commercial in Fitchburg could be as low as $1,500 – $3,500. However, if budget isn’t a constraint, then the sky’s the limit for your TV commercial production cost. Share your vision with us, and we’ll bring your ideas to life.

Know what you want

As evident, the cost of producing a television commercial in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, hinges on your concept. Until you have a clear idea of what you want to create, you can’t be certain about the cost. It’s advisable to explore existing commercials to solidify your ideas.

Once your vision is clear, our team can provide an estimate. We guide you through budgeting for a commercial. We film commercials across Wisconsin, from Madison to Milwaukee, and even corporate commercials in Dane County. Reach out for a free quote today.

You need high production value

To truly captivate your audience and stand out, a high-production-value commercial is key. If you’re asking, “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Fitchburg?” and you desire a full package with actors, makeup artists, a professional crew, a studio, a director, etc., expect costs ranging from $20k to $30k.

A high-quality Fitchburg television commercial will be more expensive, encompassing more than an average shoot. A professional video production company like ours will help manage your budget, ensuring you understand the cost breakdown.

How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Fitchburg?

With a completed TV spot, the cost to air a commercial in Fitchburg varies. A 30-second commercial could cost about $50 to $80 per spot or up to $1,500 or $20,000 per spot, depending on various factors. For local Fitchburg or Wisconsin-targeted advertising, you might spend around $50 for a 30-second spot.


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If your aim is broader, like prime time broadcast on a network TV program, costs could escalate to $10,000 or more per 30-second spot. This investment can be worthwhile, as your commercial will reach a wide audience in the region.

Fitchburg TV commercial cost

Now that you’re informed about Fitchburg commercial production costs consider other factors that might influence your total expense. Each local network has its own criteria for accepting commercials.

We can craft your advertisement to meet the standards of local Fitchburg networks. Contact our team at Beverly Boy Productions; we’re excited to be part of your commercial production journey!

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