
What to Include in a Sponsorship Proposal Video

Behind every great sponsorship proposal video is an A+ plan that includes careful consideration of each and every detail that is to be included. Producing a sponsorship proposal video that not only delivers all the details that your prospective sponsor needs to make a decision, but that compels them to say, “YES” to your pitch certainly requires an understanding of your sponsor and some preparation to ensure no important detail is left out. From structure, to understanding where even the best sponsorship proposal videos have gone wrong, we’re spilling the beans!

Keep reading to learn not only what to include in a sponsorship proposal video, but also what not to include, and where many sponsorship videos have gone wrong. By the end, you’ll not only know where to go from here, but you’ll have the exact tools you need to produce an amazing sponsorship proposal video that wins over the support of the sponsors you pitch!

What to Include

Let’s start with what to include in a sponsorship proposal video. Whether you’re pitching to a group of prospective sponsors, or a single sponsor that you had in mind, the goal of your video is to capture the interest of your sponsor, tap into their emotions so that they feel connected to your project or idea, and compel them to offer their support. And while it may sound easy enough, you’ve only got a couple of minutes (at most) to tackle all of these important areas of concern and to make each important factor count.

Knowing what to include in your video is key to ensuring your sponsors have the details necessary to make an educated decision whether or not to support you. You should include:

  • An introduction of yourself, and the organization that you’re pitching sponsorship of.
  • Include some fun facts or key details that will answer questions a sponsor might have.
  • Define the target market of your audience. Use demographics and psychographics to segment.
  • Explain what you’re trying to achieve, what your key message is, and how you’re going about meeting your goals.
  • Address how you will utilize sponsorship funds should you raise the funds that you’re asking for.

In addition to including all of these important details in your sponsorship proposal video, you’re also going to need to include details that your sponsor specifically is going to question and that’s, “What’s in it for me?”

Sponsors are going to want to know how their support or sponsor of your organization, event, or idea is going to benefit them directly. Therefore, you need to also include the following:

  • Information about your core audience that will align them with your sponsor, think about the audience your sponsor wants to reach and show how you also reach that same audience.
  • The numbers! Sponsors want to know how large your audience is (remember this is the audience that is relative to them!) 
  • How long, how often, how frequently, when or where the sponsor will be recognized if they support you. They want to know how frequently they’ll be in front of that audience so that they can make an educated decision whether or not it’s worth the investment to sponsor your idea.

A sponsor is also going to want information about the investment. How much cash are you looking for? How many sponsors are you considering? Will there be exclusive opportunities? What are the terms of the sponsorship?

If you’ve done something similar in the past, this is where you would include details or support from past events or sponsorships. Any supporting information, testimonials, case studies, or details from past sponsors that show support and satisfaction with the opportunity that will help you seal the deal should be included followed by a call to action!

Don’t forget the call to action. It’s not only important, it’s absolutely vital. Asking the sponsor directly for support, including a key dollar amount of support that you’re requesting, shows that you have a plan in place.

Where Sponsorship Videos Go Wrong

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Want to know the #1 way that you can go wrong in producing a sponsorship proposal video? Focusing all on YOU, and YOUR needs! That’s it! Sure, you might be thinking, “But, this is about our project or our needs, we are trying to gain sponsorship for our brand.” And while that’s true, you can’t come off as self-centered or else you’re going to immediately lose the interest of the sponsor! This needs to be about them! 

If you can compel the sponsor to come to an understanding in which they recognize how supporting your project, pitch or idea will benefit them – you’ve won them over! You’ll have their support for sure!

So instead of focusing on you, focus on what’s in it for them!

As you can see, producing a sponsorship proposal video will generally require your focus and attention on the sponsor, more than you focus specifically on yourself or your project. This is where a lot of videos can actually fall off or lose the support of the sponsor. If you’re ready to create a sponsorship video that will gain the support of your target audience, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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