How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville,VA_

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville, VA?

If you’re curious about How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville, you’re in the right place. There is really no short answer to this question because at the end of the day, the TV commercial production cost is determined by you. Whether you aim to broadcast your commercial through local cable providers like Comcast or DirecTV, or local Danville broadcast affiliates like WDBJ7 and WSLS 10, this question is inevitable. Here, you’ll discover everything about TV commercial production costs.

The average cost of a television AD in Danville could easily range anywhere from $1,500 to $150,000 it really depends on a few different variables. Read on for more details, or visit our Danville TV commercial production page to see samples and chat with us about your project. 

30-second TV commercial in Danville

Need a quick 30-second TV commercial in Danville? Perhaps you have a small business on a tight budget. Seeing competitors advertise on WSET 13 can be quite frustrating, but you can take action. You see, if you are a smaller operation running out of Virginia and just need to get a 30 second TV commercial in Danville under your belt to quiet the competition, don’t worry its possible. 

The cost to produce a 30 second commercial in Danville could run you as little as $1,500 – $3,500. On the opposite end let’s say budget is not a concern for you, and you just want what you want, willing to pay whatever the cost. In this case, TV commercial production cost is not your concern, you’ll simply tell us what you want, and it’s our job to make it a reality.

Know what you want

The cost of producing a television commercial in Danville, Virginia, depends on your requirements. If your question is How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville If you’re unsure, exploring YouTube for similar ads can provide clarity. We can quickly estimate based on your chosen concept. Or, call us for a guided process. 


We film commercials throughout Virginia, from Martinsville to corporate commercials in South Boston, as well as Pharmaceutical and Medical promotional videos in Pittsylvania County. Contact us for a free quote.

You need high production value

If you want to stand out in the industry, consider creating something with high production value. So How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville? If you want top-quality commercials, you’ll need actors, makeup artists, a professional camera crew, a studio, a director, and a few other things. For something of this caliber, you’re looking at about $20k to $30k.

The cost of producing a Danville television commercial that is top-notch may be higher due to everything you’ll need for it, like professional experts and all the moving parts. A professional video production company will manage your TV commercial production cost so that you understand what is needed at the end of the day.

How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Danville?

So with a completed TV spot, now how much does it cost to air a commercial in Danville? This question has plenty of answers. The reality is that a 30-second commercial in Danville could be anywhere from $50 or $80 per spot, to $1,500, or $20,000 per spot. There are various factors that contribute to the final price. If you need TV Advertising specifically for Danville, or the local Danville TV market, then you may be looking at about $50 per 30-second spot.



    However, if your goal is to reach beyond Danville, Virginia with your message during a prime-time broadcast network TV program, then you may be spending upwards of $10,000 plus per 30-second TV spot. With the hope to reach millions with your Danville TV Advertisement, this kind of investment is worth it.

    Final Steps

    Now that you know, “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Danville?” has an answer, there are things to consider when producing a TV commercial. Each local network has a way they like to receive a TV advertisement once it’s complete. We are able to create your project with the type of specs that local Danville networks are looking for. Reach out to Beverly Boy Productions today!