
 5 Topics to Cover with Medical Interpreter Training Videos for Success

Hiring a medical interpreter is a swift move for your healthcare practice that could directly result in a safer, stronger, and more valuable relationship between you and your patients. Medical interpreters ensure that any non-English speaking patients you may have, or their families, do not have any communication barriers when they seek the healthcare services that you provide. However, when you have hired an interpreter and you want to be sure that they’ve got the skills they need and understanding of your practice procedures that are most vital to their success within your organization, you’re going to need to cover these essential topics with your medical interpreter training videos.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in the production of training videos that will guide your team down a path of success. When it comes to the production of medical interpreter training videos, our worldwide crews are prepared to assist you with every step of the production process from the early stages of pre-production planning through the late stages of post-production editing and distribution. To learn more about producing medical interpreter training videos for your team, give us a call!

Need some ideas on where to begin with your medical interpreter training videos? We’ve got some topics that are a must!

  1. Medical Interpreter Training Videos for Safety Purposes

First and foremost, you need to train your interpreter on the importance of safety. Not just the importance of safety at work as in paying attention to potential hazards and things of that sort, but also teaching the importance of proper interpretation and ensuring that there are no miscommunications between patient and doctor which could lead to medical treatment error or other safety issues.  With medical interpreter training videos, you can teach your new interpreter about any of the potential safety risks that they need to be on the lookout for when they are working within your practice.

  1. Medical Interpreter Training Videos for Onboarding

The onboarding process is one that can literally make or break the relationship you have with your newly hired employee. Providing medical interpreter training videos that have a distinct focus on your onboarding processes and procedures can help to smooth the new relationship that you’re building with your new interpreter while providing him/her with the tools and resources they need to perform their jobs with absolute success for your practice. Consider covering the following topics with your onboarding videos:

  • Essential safety training.
  • When, where, and how to speak with HR.
  • Payment information including when paydays are, how to clock time, and how to request vacation or sick days.
  • Corporate culture, organizational structure, and where the interpreter fits into all of it.

You’ll likely have other topics that are commonly covered during your onboarding process as well. Any of these processes can be placed into video-based training to free up your time in onboarding while streamlining the process a bit.

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  1. Medical Interpreter Training Videos for Equipment Use

 If you’ll have your medical interpreter using specific equipment, software or tools as part of their position within your healthcare practice, it’s important to provide training on proper use of that equipment or those tools. Medical interpreter training videos that focus on the equipment, tools, and software that you expect your interpreter to use can help make them feel more comfortable with it. Consider covering essential topics such as what equipment to use for various scenarios, what the expectations are when using equipment, and how to navigate software programs or equipment issues over the course of a day-to-day role in medical interpretation.

  1. Medical Interpreter Training Videos on HIPAA

Most medical interpreters should already be well aware of the importance of HIPAA and the security of medical information, but as a healthcare practice it is important for you to prove that you have provided training on the subject so that there are no questions. Providing medical interpreter training videos that focus on HIPAA regulations and the guidelines that interpreters are expected to follow will ensure that you’re meeting your compliance regulations and that you can rest assured that your interpreters know what is expected of them when it comes to confidentiality of PMI (protected medical information).

  1. Medical Interpreter Training Videos on Duties & Roles

Each healthcare practice is a little bit different in regards to how they expect medical interpreters to work and function in their day-to-day activities. Providing medical interpreter training videos that outline the expectations that you have for your interpreters while on the job can eliminate any errors that a newly hired interpreter may otherwise make in his or her reporting or in other roles or responsibilities that they may have on the job. By offering training that outlines exactly what you expect of them while working within your practice, you reduce some of the pressure that they’ll have when working under pressure while equally ensuring that your interpreter knows the expectations and the duties that they should and should not be a part of.

Ready to get started with professionally produced medical interpreter training videos? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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