
customer testimonial

A Working Customer Testimonial Template for All Business Owners to Follow

A Working Customer Testimonial Template for All Business Owners to Follow Customer testimonial videos are some of the most important forms of marketing content your brand can invest in. Not only do 95% of consumers look to reviews to influence their purchase decisions, but 9 out of 10 actually believe […]


How to Create Customer Testimonial Videos for Social Proof

How to Create Customer Testimonial Videos for Social Proof Customer testimonials are important to 9 out of 10 customers, particularly when it comes down to deciding whether or not to purchase from a business or brand. Many customers will not move forward with a decision to make a purchase unless […]


5 Tips You Can Use to Create Powerful Customer Testimonial Commercials for Your Brand

5 Tips You Can Use to Create Powerful Customer Testimonial Commercials for Your Brand Creating great video testimonials that will attract the interest, and trust, in your brand from your target audience is a practice that every business owner needs to understand. If you want to produce powerful customer testimonial […]


5 Reasons to Hire a Seattle Customer Testimonial Video Production Company

5 Reasons to Hire a Seattle Customer Testimonial Video Production Company Are you in search of a Seattle Customer Testimonial Video Production Company? Customer testimonials can make a big impact on viewers, whether positive or negative. They’re the driving force behind consumer trust, and have the power to increase or decrease […]