

How Much Does a Viral Video Make

How Much Does a Viral Video Make?

How Much Does a Viral Video Make? A successful viral video can increase your brand’s recognition and boost traffic to your website while increasing conversions in the short-term, but how much does a viral video make and is all the effort actually worth it? That’s a question we get a […]


Top 5 Video Marketing Sites to Optimize Your Video for Submission

Top 5 Video Marketing Sites to Optimize Your Video for Submission

Top 5 Video Marketing Sites to Optimize Your Video for Submission The days of producing a single “About Us” or similar corporate video and calling your video marketing complete are long over. You can’t use a one and done approach in today’s highly competitive video marketing environment. In fact, where […]


Video Marketing Optimization Tips for Increased Organic Rankings

Video Marketing Optimization Tips for Increased Organic Rankings

Video Marketing Optimization Tips for Increased Organic Rankings You probably already realize the power of video content when it comes to promoting your products or services both online and off, but are you aware of the importance of video marketing optimization to ensure each and every video you create is […]


What to Include in a TV Commercial Production Budget Template

What to Include in a TV Commercial Production Budget Template Budgeting a production for television is a time consuming, intricate process. Knowing what to include in a TV commercial production budget template is half the battle, then you’ve got to fill in all of those blanks too! At Beverly Boy […]


Typical Timelines for a TV Commercial Production Schedule

Typical Timelines for a TV Commercial Production Schedule Professional greatness is not something that just happens, it takes time to perfect a video such as a TV commercial. But how long? The short answer: it depends. Many factors influence typical timelines for a TV commercial production schedule including many things that […]


Understanding the TV Commercial Production Process

Understanding the TV Commercial Production Process

Understanding the TV Commercial Production Process Producing a TV commercial requires several professionals and a lot of planning. The entire process can play out over a period of several days, or weeks, depending on the production company. Understanding the TV commercial production process requires basic knowledge of how video production […]


Top Variables to Consider with TV Commercial Production Rates

Top Variables to Consider with TV Commercial Production Rates

Top Variables to Consider with TV Commercial Production Rates Television advertising and broadcasting is something many brands avoid or simply cannot afford to do. There are so many variables that come into play and if you’re not sure exactly what you’re working with, you could find yourself in a position […]


How Long Does it Take to Produce a TV Commercial?

How Long Does it Take to Produce a TV Commercial?

How Long Does it Take to Produce a TV Commercial? Television commercials can be produced in a very short amount of time such as 1 day or they can require advanced technical skills to ensure accurate scheduling. Determining just how long it does take to produce a tv commercial will […]


How Do You Make a TV Commercial?

How Do You Make a TV Commercial? The most effective television commercials are often those that are most creative, thought-provoking, and outside the box, amazing. Billions are spent on television advertising every year with the hope or expectation that the money spent will result in substantially more ROI than what […]


What to Expect with a TV Commercial Production Timeline

What to Expect with a TV Commercial Production Timeline

What to Expect with a TV Commercial Production Timeline Shooting a tv commercial requires advanced knowledge of the steps taken in production to ensure a successful shoot. In fact, any TV commercial production timeline will naturally progress based largely on the expertise and professionalism of those working on the project. […]