
How Much Does it Cost to Stream an Event in St. Paul

Live streaming an event is something that many St. Paul business owners have thought about doing because of the changes that COVID-19 has brought to the way we operate and host events. From closures to restrictions, many St. Paul business owners are turning to live streaming for their events. But they want to know “how much does it cost to stream an event in St. Paul?”

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we often discuss the typical St. Paul live streaming costs with our clientele. We want you to have as much information as possible so we can help you define your live stream costs. With this in mind, there will be multiple factors to consider for the final budget.


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St. Paul Event Streaming Costs

Streaming your event can have more costs and considerations based on various factors like length of the event, as well as the team you need to work with. When you ask, “how much does it cost to stream an event in St. Paul?,” we usually think about daily or hourly crew rates:


– Director – up to $257 per hour


– Camera Operator – up to $407 per hour


– Equipment – up to $107s per hour


– Narrator – up to $407 per hour


– Switcher – up to $207 per hour


– Streaming platform – $57 to $1,007 (dependent on the usage and platform itself)


– B-Roll – usually a percentage of the total cost between 17 and 57%


– Miscellaneous Fees – very little or could be 1,007s


While these rates are what you’d find in most places, you’ll need to consider other factors that aren’t included here, such as venues, equipment rentals, venue rental, as well as a CDN.


Event Streaming Cost Considerations

quarantine livestream

When a Saintly City business owner asks, ‘How much does it cost to stream an event in St. Paul?” there are some things you can consider that can impact final cost, such as:


– The duration of your event impacts cost because the longer it is means the more crew members you’ll need, affecting the budget you may be planning for.

– The expected size of the audience also has an impact on your budget. A larger audience may mean you need your event streamed with better bandwidth, resulting in a higher cost.

– The overall size of the event can impact budget as well. A single presentation event means fewer crew members required than what you’d need for a large, multiple presentation event.


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St. Paul virtual event cost 

Before we provide you with the quote on St. Paul virtual event cost, we’ll make sure to discuss your vision with you to define the total budget of the live stream. Keep in mind that multiple crews or a multiple day event will usually require more advanced technology, as well as engineers to operate it, resulting in a higher cost. So, when you ask, “how much does it cost to stream an event in St. Paul?” the initial answer may be between $1,000 and $5,000 but we’ll make sure to discuss your specific project before defining the overall cost of your project.

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