4 Benefits to Live Streaming Video

4 Benefits to Live Streaming Video 

Businesses now more than ever are benefitting from live streaming video. Especially with Coronavirus which has impacted businesses and brands worldwide, live streaming video is a growing means of connecting brands to consumers to keep relationships growing.

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If you’re not convinced that live streaming video is right for your brand, consider these 4 major benefits that come as a result of this new video technology.

1  Grow Your Audience 

Now more than ever, promoting content in a way that makes it easy for an audience to access and see is vital! If you’re wanting to fully understand the benefits of live streaming video, consider the ability for audience members to view from virtually any place, any time.

While live streaming video content is primarily meant to be viewed at your chosen time, replays can be viewed at all times of the day and night for as long as you make the replay available.

How does live stream grow your audience? It allows you to promote your message via the internet — to EVERYONE and ANYONE that you would like to promote it to. Anywhere. Anytime. Any corner of the world.

2  Reduce Costs 

Were you previously considering a live event? As in, an in-person event where people would come from all around to listen to you or your members speak? Live streaming is much more affordable than a live event.

Additional opportunities for live streaming video to reduce cost include:

  • Live streaming training to new employees. Saves money in not requiring multiple sessions or training in multiple areas. One live stream can be used to train multiple employees in multiple areas all at the same time. 
  • Live streaming events. Saves money in not requiring event location, lodging, security and cost of travel. One live stream can be used to promote your brand to the world.

Opting to live stream video content rather than to perform the same conferences or training in person can be highly cost-efficient for businesses and brands.

3  Increased Revenues 

Live streaming video for businesses results in a higher overall revenue for the brand. Since live streaming allows you to not spend time and money on things like travel and lodging, that money can go back to the individual.

Live streaming allows you to share your message without leaving your hometown.

Higher Revenue

You may also notice increased revenue coming from sales that grow as a result of your live streaming to a wider national or worldwide audience.

If your business generally only reaches local communities and is not able to reach much further, you have a higher chance for sales to grow substantially and higher sales equal higher revenue.

With higher revenue, you can focus on reintroducing that into your business. Promote more products and incorporate the resources back into the business to grow the brand.

4  Audience Interactions 

Live streaming videos to your audience not only represents a way for you to communicate TO them, it is a way for them to communicate back to you.

Live streams that utilize two-way communication channels allow an opportunity for you to interact with your audience and learn more about your consumers. You add a human element to your brand, but you also have a chance to connect with audience members on a more personal level. 

Tell Your Brand’s Story

Live streaming allows you to tell your brand story, hear what your audience has to say about it, and answer questions that they may have.

Interacting with your audience in real time allows you to adjust the conversation and marketing material as you go — providing the most meaningful content for the audience at the most meaningful time.

Ready to start live streaming video to your audience? Call Beverly Boy Productions today! We can’t wait to help you get started.

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