
Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that Will Increase Business Followers

A rise in the use of video online has given way to a variety of new opportunities to utilize video for brand building and awareness purposes. While technology certainly makes it easier than ever for brands to produce video content that can attract followers, it’s equally easy for competitors to do the same. Therefore, if you’re trying to increase the number of followers that you have to your business, following Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that will increase brand followers are essential.

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At Beverly Boy Productions we produce expert video interviews that are used by brands to boost following and build awareness. To learn more about the steps we take to ensure businesses can stay in the spotlight with their video interviews, check out these Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that we provide to all of our core customers.

  1. Use Video Interviews to Establish Credibility for Your Brand

One of the best opportunities that you have to boost business followers is to utilize video interviews to help you establish credibility for your brand. This can include the use of expert interviews from outside your brand, as well as interviews with people within your brand such as your CEO, CFO, or other important team members behind the working nature of your business.

The more you can share the niche specific competitive edge that your business has on the competition, the more your target audience is going to respect what you have to say and want to hear more. Establishing this credibility through video interviews is ideal not just for your website, but on social media, too.

  1. Let Your Brand’s Personality Shine

Another one of the more important Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that we can provide when it comes to increasing business followers is to make sure that you allow your brand’s personality to shine through in the interviews. This means making sure that you incorporate key components and personality details in the interviews you conduct and that you allow any of your staff or key team members to allow their personality to shine through during a filmed interview.

Allowing the personality of the brand to shine during interview videos is a great way to show the audience that your brand is human. The more you can humanize your business, the more it’s going to cause more people to feel good or comfortable about following your business. A personal brand is a brand that consumers can fall for.

  1. Use Expert Video Techniques to Demonstrate Value

Video interviews can be extremely simple, but don’t allow the simplicity of an interview to be mistaken for something that shouldn’t include expert technique. Showing value to your audience is a great way to get more audience members to follow your business or brand long term.

With more brands than ever before competing for their position online, it is incredibly important for you to listen to Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that focus on sharing content that is expert crafted, features powerful video techniques, and is attractive to the target audience.

  1. Don’t Stop at One Interview

Allowing the snowball effect of interview video production to take place at your business is one of the best Hints and Tips for Video Interviews we can provide to brands that are interested in boosting followers. With one interview, you can share a lot of important data and detail, but think about what you can achieve with two or three or ten!

There’s  a unique sort of snowball effect that occurs when brands take the opportunity to keep interviewing experts within their business. The result is not only more quality content to share with the audience, but a higher instance of brand following, too. When you run out of people in your business to interview, start requesting interviews from other experts in your field and allow the snowball effect to continue on.

  1. Hire an Expert Film Crew

If you’re thinking of all the great Hints and Tips for Video Interviews that we’ve provided, and the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you’re not that great at filming or creating video content, you’re not alone! Many business owners don’t have the skillset or the equipment to film great interview videos, and even if you have both skill and equipment, you probably lack time.

Hiring an expert film crew, like Team Beverly Boy, is a great opportunity for you to maximize the brand followers that you can achieve with interview videos. In fact, we can provide many Hints and Tips for Video Interviews, but hiring a professional to assist in areas where you’re less than expert is probably one of the best!

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