What to Wear for a Film Set with Rain

What to Wear for a Film Set with Rain

Filmmakers often face the elements when working film sets. This means there’s a constant need to know what to wear. In fact, figuring out what to wear on a film set with rain in the forecast can be challenging. Even for a filmmaker that’s got seniority on the set. Figuring out how to deal with potentially being soaked one minute, and the need to be dry the next is definitely a challenge that many filmmakers face. 

Many filmmakers refer to this as “camping.” Or at least it feels that way at times. When you leave in the morning for a long day on the set and it’s dark. There’s not a cloud in the sky. You’re expecting dry conditions only to find that midway through the day it’s pouring, you’re soaked.

Learning what to wear on a film set with rain means a lot of spare clothes packed in your bag. A raincoat or better yet a rain suit. And being prepared to adjust on the fly.

Rain Gear

If you’re expecting rain on the set, whether it’s from the weather. Or the result of the effects you’re attempting to produce. You’re probably going to need rain gear. Keeping a pair of rainboots and a raincoat in your car is important. And if you’ve got a rain suit you’ll be even better off.

At bare minimum, you’ll probably want to have a rain poncho that you can keep in your bag so that you can easily adjust and cover up when the weather changes and you notice that you’ve got rain in the very near future. 

Dry Shoes and Spare Socks

Keeping rain boots as part of your gear will ensure you have dry feet throughout a wet and rainy day on the set. At the end of the day, you’ll almost certainly want a new pair of socks (or maybe a couple of pairs to change out throughout the day.

Packing a few pairs of socks and a spare pair of dry shoes to wear if the rain decides to let up will help you to remain comfortable despite the elements that you’re facing.

Waterproof Jackets & Pants

They aren’t technically considered rain gear. But they are waterproof. And ideal for if you’re in a situation where you’re going to get wet on the set.

Keeping waterproof jackets and pants available, or wearing them over light clothing on the set, will help you to remain dry regardless of the weather.

They’re easy to fold up and tuck away when the rain stops. But they’re lined and ideal for keeping you warm. Even in colder climates where a mix of rain and snow might be likely.

Any rain jacket or waterproof jacket that you get should have a hood! The more you can manage to keep your head dry, the better off you’ll be – especially if it gets cold. 

What to Ear on a Film Set with Rain

So, do you know what to wear for a film set with rain in the forecast? Whatever it is, it should be lightweight, waterproof. And you’re probably going to want backup clothes that are dry in case you do end up getting a bit wet. 

For more tips on what to wear during film shoots in general? Check out this informative video from Behind the Seams!

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