What to Include in a Film Crew Agreement Form

What to Include in a Film Crew Agreement Form

A film crew agreement form represents an important document. One that is used in the production of visual works to ensure the film crew remains on the right track. Responsible for their work and that the agreements made between the production company, the film crew, and the client are understood. Film contracts, like the film crew agreement form, represent protection of the rights. For both the film crew while working on the project and the client. But do you know what to include in a film crew agreement form?

video production proposal

Start with the Basics

Now, before you even go into any of the contractual items and the legal jargon. You’re going to need to include the basics in your film crew agreement form.

That means, you start with the following data:

  • The name of the production company and the film crew that are working together on the project.
  • The address of those involved.
  • Phone number and other pertinent contact details for those working on the project.

Project Details & Terms

In addition to the basics, you’re going to need to include the various project details that relate to the unique situation.

Remember, that this is a film crew agreement form. Therefore you’re going to cover the following project details in the form:

  • The position for which the crew is being contracted for.
  • The terms of the project include detailed explanations of what the project is about, what the film crew is expected to do, and when the project will start/end.
  • Compensation information as well as whether or not per diem compensation will be included.
  • Details on any special accommodations to be made for the film crew while working on the project.

Credits for the Crew

As part of the film crew agreement form, you’re almost certainly going to need to include details on any credits for the crew that will be given in the film.

Make sure that negotiations and agreements as to the individual film crew credits are made in advance of filling out the crew contract. And that you have detailed specifically who will be credited, verified spelling, and describe the location or form of credit being provided.

Standard Terms of Employment

Finally, your film crew agreement form represents an employment of freelancer contract. Therefore, it should include information regarding the standard terms of employment within your production company.

Make sure that you cover things. Like conditions of employment, compensation, credit, works for hire clause, and the use of name, voice and other details within the film.

Clearly Define Everything

Outline all of this important information in advance of your filmmaking. It will ensure that your film crew and others that you hire for the project, have clearly defined information regarding your rules, requirements, and expectations for their work.

Most importantly, as you’re navigating what to include in a film crew agreement form. Make sure to consult with an attorney!

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