What is a Non-Diegetic Insert Technique in Filmmaking_

What is a Non-Diegetic Insert Technique in Filmmaking?

When a Director has created a film “world” or story world in which a film takes place we call the diegesis. Thus, everything that takes place within the story world is diegetic. Whereas the events which occur outside the story-world are called non-diegetic. A filmmaking technique that

combined shots and scenes from outside the story world is called the non-diegetic insert. But what is this exactly?

What is a Non-Diegetic Insert?

The non-diegetic insert is a filmmaking technique which represents the combining of shots or scenes. Which show objects or elements that are represented by the external world. Or as taking place outside the story world that has been created.

A scene which takes place outside the story world that was created for the purpose of the film. And is then inserted into the story would be considered a non-diegetic insert.

Non-Diegetic Sound Inserts

It’s probably most common for the terms diegetic and non-diegetic to be used in reference to sounds used in a film. Non-diegetic sounds in the film which clearly do not have an original place within the world of the film.

Just as a non-diegetic insert is the insertion of a scene or shot. One that is from outside the made-up story world of the film. A non-diegetic sound represents a sound that does not originate within the original story world of the film. But which is added for effect.

For example, non-diegetic sounds in a film are typically not heard by characters within the film. Narration may also be considered non-diegetic as it is not heard by the characters. While they engage within the film.

Examples of Non-Diegetic Inserts in Film

A non-diegetic insert in film may include a number of different techniques. That involve inserting something from outside the made-up world of the film to be placed into the film.

Non-diegetic inserts involve combining shots that have been cut into a sequence. To show objects that would be considered representative of coming from outside the story.

In Summary

In film’s past, there have been a number of non-diegetic inserts used for various purposes. We’ve seen situations in which a non-diegetic insert was used to show images. Images that would provide a metaphor of what’s to come in the story.

There are also instances in which non-diegetic inserts are used in animated films. Such that there are live motion images in the animation. Finally, non-diegetic inserts may be incorporated into a film to show events after the narrative has ended.

Such as after a character has died or to show what occurred before the narrative began. These are just a few ways that non-diegetic inserts are used in filmmaking.