What is a Montage in Screenwriting

What is a Montage in Screenwriting?

A montage represents a unique compilation of short scenes or moments. That can commonly be utilized in filmmaking and screenwriting to produce various emotions and elicit audience response. While the use of montage in filmmaking has been present for the past century. Some still wonder, “What is a montage in screenwriting?”

The montage sequence represents an important cinematic experience. That has become commonplace in many of the most popular Hollywood films of modern times.

In its simplest definition, the term “montage” means a process or technique that involves the selection, editing and individual piecing together of film sections. In order to form a continuous view of a whole. But, what is a montage in screenwriting?

What is a Montage in Screenwriting?

In screenwriting, a montage represents a unique compilation of moments or short scenes. Which generally have no dialogue. But can be grouped together for thematic connection. And convey a sense of time quickly passing by as actions play out.

The use of a montage allows visuals to deliver the key details without the need for dialogue. Although, occasionally there will be some dialogue it’s generally very minimal.

The idea of the montage is to show time passing by while conveying the message through visual moments. Which are used to showcase character arcs and to aid in the progression of the story.

For Example

You might recall some of the most popular uses of montage in screenwriting and filmmaking from the Rocky movies? The use of montages in Rocky films is strong, especially when he’s training.

Montages can be used to show multiple characters that are experiencing various events across multiple locations, or it may show characters in the same location at various moments. 

Formatting a Montage in a Screenplay

There really are not any guidelines or rules in place on how to format a montage in a screenplay. Thus, screenwriting a montage may come across with various formatting techniques or general expectations.

The primary requirement for formatting a montage when screenwriting is to use the cinematic eye, through visual representation of elements and camera angles, to communicate the desired information. 

Formatting a montage in a screenplay can come across in many ways.

Formatting will vary, but you might include the following montages in your screenplays:

  • Single location montages – use to show passage of time when a character or group of characters are actively doing activities in a single location. 
  • Multiple location montages – use to show passage of time when characters or moments are playing out across multiple locations.

In Essence

So what is a montage in screenwriting and what are some of the most important formatting details to consider when writing a montage? A montage is a representation of multiple characters or scenes unfolding to visualize the passage of time through moments or short scenes.

When formatting a montage, it’s important to note the beginning, and end, of the montage as well as to dictate the actions that are to take place visually amid each scene. 

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