Understanding the Canted Frame Meaning in Filmmaking
The way that the camera is positioned to capture shots has a significant impact on the visible elements within the frame and how they appear for the audience. Filmmakers sometimes turn to the canted frame, also known as the “Dutch angle” or the “German angle” to achieve an oblique angle. If you’re wondering what the canted frame meaning is in the film industry, you’re certainly not alone. The use of a canted frame or Dutch angle is one of many cinematic techniques. Which a filmmaker may employ to create a sense of unease, tension, or psychological disruption.

What is the Canted Frame?
As we explore the meaning of the canted frame in filmmaking it’s important to explain that the term “canted frame” represents the positioning of the objects within the frame of the camera or within view.
The term “canted” is used to represent the positioning of vertical lines at an angle and to one side of the frame. Such that the horizon line of the shot is perpendicular to the bottom of the camera frame.
In other words, a canted frame is represented by a shot in which the horizon line is perpendicular or “canted” to the camera frame. And thus not parallel as would be typical of most camera angles.
How is the Canted Frame Achieved?
The canted frame, meaning the camera has been turned on its axis to achieve an oblique angle. Such that the horizon line in the shot is perpendicular to the bottom frame of the camera.
It is achieved by rotating the camera relative to the horizon or to the vertical lines within the shot to produce this perpendicular view within the frame.
More than Static
When a filmmaker uses the canted frame or Dutch angle they typically do so to establish a static shot. Which can be incorporated into the film to create a sense of uneasiness or tension among the audience as they view the elements of the scene.
However, this is not to say that the canted frame must be a static shot. In fact, the canted frame may be used in moving shots, too. For example, the canted frame might be used in a shot in which the camera pivots.
So that it can then move along a track or pan in order to create a diagonal axis. In which the shot captures the elements of the scene within the frame.
When is the Canted Frame Used?
Now that we’ve defined the meaning of the canted frame and what it looks like in the film industry? It’s also important to understand when the canted frame is used.
Past examples of the Dutch angle include:
- Power Rangers several instances of canted frames were introduced in the series.
- Resident Evil the video game frequently uses the canted frame.
- Silent Hill has many uses of the canted frame throughout this video game.
- Battlefield Earth used canted frames so frequently that it was criticized for it.
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas used a canted frame to signify madness & drug psychosis.
In Summation
As you can see, in addition to defining the canted frame meaning and what filmmakers are trying to achieve when they introduce the Dutch angle into their filmmaking. The use of this form of camera angling to achieve tension.
And an underlying element of psychosis or psychological unease has been prominent throughout a variety of projects from filmmaking to gaming.