New York Filming Laws for Commercial Film Producers

New York Filming Laws for Commercial Film Producers

The Big Apple draws visitors and professionals from all around the world. Notably, filmmakers come into New York City from London, Mexico, China, and local areas including the southern U.S. and areas in-between. Filmmakers know that coming to the city of New York will bring local rules and regulations pertaining to the area. New York filming laws for commercial film producers are important to understand.

In fact, having a know before you go attitude is always best. Especially for filmmakers entering the Big Apple for a commercial production for the very first time.

When is a Film Permit Required?

The Office of Film, Theater and Broadcasting is responsible for issuing a film permit in cases in which a NYC film permit is required.

Additionally, individual film permits help in providing free police assistance, parking support, and access to various exterior locations for filmmakers that come into the Big Apple to film. 

A $300 permit is necessary if:

  • Production equipment, vehicles, or other interruptions will occur to city property. Or when equipment is in use for filmmaking. Going beyond the standard camera and audio recording devices. To include things like additional prop vehicles, actors in police uniforms, cranes or other unique equipment specific to a commercial film production.
  • Filming will take place on property under possession of the county, city, or state government including roads, bridges, subways, parks, or recreational areas.
  • Commercial production will take place outside of private property. And, said production, will in any way interrupt the standard activities or operations taking place in that environment.

New York Filming Laws for Minor Workers

Are you thinking about hiring minor workers for your production?

Child entertainment laws as of January 2021 specifically state that those interested in filming in NYC and considering the use of child or minor talent under the age of 18 must adhere to local union rules and requirements regarding parental consent.

The Rules of NYC regarding minor talent are incredibly strict. And include the need for Coogan Accounts. Which collects up to 15% of the wages earned by child actors. As well as protecting children by limiting their workday and otherwise predicting their meal and rest periods. 

The Takeaway

New York filming laws for commercial film production crews. Including those who are considering minor talent. Or that will be filming in locations in which a permit is required are very important for you to understand.

Before you even set foot in the Big Apple. Make sure that you have taken the steps to learn the various rules and local laws that apply locally.

Laws governing employment hours for minor talent. The individual rules regarding permitting throughout NYC. And those that represent filming in public and private locations are most important for filmmakers like yourself to understand and learn. 

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