Is Foley Sound Diegetic Sound

Is Foley Sound Diegetic Sound?

The use of Foley sound to recreate the immersive noises that we are so accustomed to hearing on a day-to-day basis is a common step in the post-production sound design process. Foley artists produce a variety of sounds. Adding to the underlying value and believability of a film. Making it appear, and sound, more realistic. But, is Foley sound diegetic sound in film? And if not, what’s the difference?

foley sounds

What is Foley Sound?

Foley sound is the creation of sounds that can be synchronized with the picture that is shown on the film screen. These sounds include things like the creation of footsteps to create the sense of a woman walking in heels across the set.

Or the creation of the sound of clothing rustling together as a man and a woman are close together and kissing. Foley sound can include many sounds.

Foley artists can recreate sounds that include things like:

  • Wind blowing
  • Rain falling
  • Glass breaking
  • A door breaking
  • A door opening

There are seemingly endless sounds that the Foley artist can make before finalizing a film. But is foley sound diegetic sound?

What is Diegetic Sound?

Diegetic sound is represented by any sound that visibly comes from the storyworld of a film. For example, if a character is breathing heavily on the screen, and the audience can hear, that is a diegetic sound.

If someone walks across the stage, that’s a diegetic sound. Basically, almost any sound that occurs with a visible purpose, is considered diegetic sound.

Diegetic sound isn’t always visible on the screen, but it has a visible understood purpose.

For example, the following are all forms of diegetic sound in film:

  • Character dialogues or talking.
  • Object sounds such as a footsteps in the snow or crackling of broken sticks while walking in the woods.
  • Music that comes from within the film. Such as a radio playing in the story. Or headphones playing loudly for a character.

Is Foley Sound Diegetic Sound?

In helping you to understand whether Foley sound is diegetic sound. It’s important to address the fact that diegetic sounds are those who have an understandable source from the narrative. And are realistic for the “world” that was created. Thus, is foley sound diegetic? 

YES! Foley sound can be a diegetic sound for film. In fact, most foley sound is the diegetic sound in that it is created as a direct result of the need to enhance existing sounds that a character or film member has made or interpreted from the story.

Foley sounds are a lot of fun to recreate, and most of the time, they’re diegetic sounds that follow the rules or underlying origination of sound that is representative of the film’s world.

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