How to Get Permission to Film in a Nursing Home

How to Get Permission to Film in a Nursing Home

As a filmmaker, figuring out how to get permission to film in a nursing home is something that you’ll probably confront at some point. Especially if you’re producing any kind of commercial or advertisement for nursing homes. Determine the most appropriate steps to seeking permission to film inside a nursing home. Figuring out any pertinent rules or special details that you must know as a filmmaker that is filming inside a nursing home is important. But what’s the process?

Medical Advice

Joint Commission Standards

Nursing homes are often backed by the Joint Commission. A world leader in evaluating the conditions and safety of patient care.

By Joint Commission standards, patients have the right to privacy in their care. And therefore, filming inside a nursing home would be technically a grey area.

Technically, under Joint Commission standards, patients may not ever be filmed without their informed consent. That is, unless doing so is for their own medical diagnosis or treatment. 

As a filmmaker that is wondering how to get permission to film in a nursing home? Your first step is to familiarize yourself with Joint Commission standards and rules on filming inside the nursing home.

Informed Consent

Make sure you and your crew are aware of the need to NEVER film any patient or care worker inside the nursing home without their informed consent in writing. You must not accidentally film someone without consent, either.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with Joint Commission rules on filming, you can make the nursing home’s representative very clear on the fact that you are aware of Joint Commission rules. And that you will not, in any way, risk patient privacy while filming on the property.

Ask Permission from the Nursing Home CEO

Figuring out how to get permission to film in a nursing home will require your communication with the CEO of the nursing home. They’ll likely have many questions about the content you’ll be filming, why you want to film inside the home, and what the process will entail.

Be prepared to answer any and all questions as well as to have you and any of your crew be required to pass background checks before they will be allowed inside the nursing home to film.

Nursing Home Standards

Some nursing homes have very explicit rules against filming inside the home and will not allow commercial filmmaking of any kind. Others may require permission and a permit. It is up to you to determine the standards for the Nursing home that you are reaching out to.

And to figure out what steps will be required to obtain the proper consent to film inside the nursing home. Generally, this begins with a check of the website, a call to the CEO, or a phone call to the front desk which can then route your call to the appropriate individual.

Figuring out how to get permission to film in a nursing home is really all about communication. Contacting the nursing home, asking permission, and answering any and all questions about the project that may come up.

In the end, you might have to call a few different homes before you find one that will allow you to shoot inside. 

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