Are Screenplays Covered by Copyright Law

Are Screenplays Covered by Copyright Law?

Copyright laws protect intellectual property including motion pictures, books, and music. But are screenplays covered by copyright law, too? Say you’re a screenwriter that’s just entering into the world of film production. Please don’t think you can simply use the “Poor Man’s copyright” and call it a day!


The old adage of mailing your work to yourself, receiving the postmarked package and placing it away for a “rainy day” when such protection is needed simply won’t work!

There are no “poor man’s” copyright laws. And there are certainly no protections for screenplays that are not registered for Copyright protection with the United States Copyright Office. 

But, there are protections if a copyright registration is requested and proper steps taken to be granted a copyright. Screenplays are one of many types of intellectual property that are protected by copyrights.

Just make sure that you categorize the screenplay correctly when you register as it is a “Work for the performing Arts.” 

Copyright Protections for Screenplays

Screenplays are protected under Copyright law which provides legal protection for proprietary ideas to prevent them from being stolen or otherwise plagiarized.

As long as your screenplay is not merely an idea you have. But rather a full-fledged script or at least a script outline, then it can be protected by copyright. 

The protections provided to screenwriters by copyright include:

  • Prohibits individuals from copyright infringement.
  • The prohibition of unauthorized use of your script.
  • Prohibits any copying, publishing, exhibiting, or distribution or other use without permission.

Production Safety

Copyrighting a screenplay is essential to the safety of your production. Without a copyright, your ideas, characters, and other pertinent elements of your intellectual work can be stolen without penalty.

Benefits of Copyrighting a Screenplay

Several benefits come along with registering your screenplay for copyright protection. In addition to preventing others from stealing your work or plagiarizing your screenplay.

The copyright provides protections for the life of the scriptwriter. Plus 70 years beyond the scriptwriter’s death. Therefore when you copyright your screenplay you know that it’s protected for at least 70+ years.

Civil Lawsuits

Additionally, when you’ve copyrighted your screenplay you’ll have the right to file a civil lawsuit against anyone that steals or plagiarizes your work.

Not only can you then sue for damages and any economic loss that might occur as a result of the copyright infringement.

But you may also seek recovery of statutory damages and the reimbursement of any associated legal fees that arise. Out of the need to file a lawsuit for copyright infringement. 

The Summary

So, are screenplays covered by copyright law? YES! Screenplays are covered by copyright law. So long as the screenplay is written and constitutes a complete idea or fully-outlined script.

Which includes key details necessary for the story then the screenwriter may apply for copyright registration to protect their work.

Therefore your best defense when it comes to keeping your intellectual property safe is to write your screenplay out. As a full outline or more. And to apply for copyright registration so that your work can be protected!

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