
How to Prepare a Business Case Study Video that Will Convince Your Audience

Case study videos are incredibly powerful forms of marketing content that can be used to build audience awareness, boost your conversions, and generate a significant level of trust and authoritative connection to your brand. Figuring out how to prepare a business case study video that will convince your target audience to buy into your brand is a huge step towards marketing success. Follow along as we guide you in the process of developing a business case study video that will inspire your target audience to connect with your brand and convert.

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Step 1: Set Goals for the Case Study & Be Clear with Objectives

Whether your goal is to help your audience choose to make a purchase from your brand or you’re trying to draw in more leads, you’ve got to set goals for your case study before you can move forward. Your goals can vary, depending on your business needs, but the overall objectives much be clearly planned out so that there is a specific path to achievement. How will you gauge the success or failure of your video case study if you don’t set a goal in the first place?

Step 2:  Define the Audience

As with any other form of marketing content that you produce, having a target audience is absolutely essential. Knowing how to prepare a business case study that is going to speak to that target audience is pivotal to the success of the study. People easily forget to plan out the audience, and in doing so, they end up really appealing to nobody with their content. SO, if you want your business case study to be effective, you need to carefully consider who your target audience is, how you should speak to them, and what you should say so that they resonate with your content.

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Step 3:  Define the Problem & the Solution

Every business case study is the result of the subject having a particular problem that they needed to overcome and finding the business that provided the products or services which the subject used to solve their problem. Ie. There’s a problem, and a solution.

You’ve got to identify the problem that the target audience has, and that you can address with your subject in the case study, such that your business is the solution. This is the foundation of figuring out how to prepare a business case study video. Once you have the problem, and the solution defined, you’ll be able to formulate your message so that you can reach your target audience with the details and they’ll resonate with your brand.

Step 4:  Interview the Best Clients for the Story

Armed with a plan of what your case study will be about, it’s time to find just the right client success story to share. You can screen your past customers to determine which of them had the problem that you’re reviewing and to determine who will be the best to share their story with your target audience. Make sure that you find a past customer or client that is:

  • Excellent on camera.
  • Has facts and figures to share about the solution your business provided.
  • Represents the buyer persona that you are targeting.

This is another pivotal part of knowing how to prepare a business case study video that’s going to resonate with your audience and result in the achievement of the goals you set in step 1.

Step 5:  Prepare the Story through the Interview

A great business case study is the result of forming a story out of the interview questions that you choose to ask of your client. It is your role, as the interviewer, to find the questions that are going to drive the storyline so that you can form your case study video in a way that your target audience is going to find engaging, interesting, and most of all satisfying to their needs. 

Make sure you ask questions that fulfill the background story, how your customer came about finding your business, what steps they took to solve their problem before trying your business, and what they love about the solutions that your business provided over the competition. (P.S. it’s okay to include a little detail about the competition and what they lacked that your brand did not – it’s actually a good thing).

Step 6:  Production & Distribution

With all of the information and your interview prepared, it’s time to shoot the footage and to collect b-roll of your case study. Make sure that you film plenty of footage to use along with the story that you intend to tell. Working closely with a film production company that specializes in business case study videos, like Beverly Boy Productions, will help you to achieve the best outcome. 

Now that you know how to prepare a business case study video that will convince your audience to get involved and be a part of your brand, are you ready to start production? Give us a call!

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