Tips and Tricks for Ultra High-Impact Brand Videography

Tips and Tricks For Ultra High-Impact Brand Videography

What does your company branding say about your business? If viewers were to see your logo, colors, or other subtle elements of your branding, would the recognize it to be reflective of your brand? Many brands (think Nike, McDonald’s, UPS) go out of their way to ensure their branding connects with their audience on a deep level, but why? Branding makes a memorable impression on your audience, and this same branding can be delivered in your video content through ultra-high-impact brand videography.

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In fact, the best brand videography goes beyond the basics to provide high-impact connections between your brand and your audience using quality brand-assets, sophisticated brand-voice, and on-point branding from the beginning of the video, to the very end.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we take brand videography seriously, because we know that corporate branding is about more than just recognition–it’s about delivering an experience that your customers expect from your brand.

This is how the pros do high-impact brand videography to make your business stand out:

1. Consider Brand Assets and Their Connection with Your Audience

Great brand videography is the result of planning. Not just planning what the video will be about, but planning on how to incorporate essential elements of branding into the story and design of the video. This is where professionals will think about the audience and the connections that each audience member has been groomed to make to your brand–and then they’ll create video content that piques the interest, and spikes the connection, with the audience.

Catch the Audience’s Eye

Before you create branded video content, consider the connections that your audience has with your brand and why. Think about the questions your audience would expect answered. The hook that is most likely to connect with them and signify a resemblance to your branding. Think about the visuals that can be used to subtly catch the audience’s eye and distinctly connect your brand with their understanding of what you offer.

2. Use a Sophisticated Brand Voice that Your Customers Have Come to Expect

Speaking in your brand voice is essential when creating any branded video content. Not only should you speak in the brand voice, but you should use any subtle style or tone that your customers or clients have come to expect from your brand in your video script. If you’re unsure, consider pulling copy directly from your website or marketing materials and then altering it for the purpose of your branded video. There’s nothing wrong with a cohesive message that is displayed across each of your marketing channels!

3. Incorporate Colors, Typography & Other Brand Styles

The typography and colors that signify your brand should also come into play with any of the visuals or graphics that are used in your brand videography. If text graphics are not incorporated in, consider the subtle use of brand colors in the background or set of your film.

Have Fun with it!

It can be a lot of fun to subtly incorporate brand colors within your video in a way that helps people to connect with your brand without realizing initially that that’s what is happening. Play around with it–consider a special font on a wall, a branded pillow or image, or some other form of branding that can be incorporated into your set to keep the theme going.

4. Incorporate Your Brand Logo & Final CTA in the End

From beginning to end, your brand videography should display the style, set, tone and feel of your brand. Incorporating your logo into the final clip of the video is a great way to show viewers that connection that they should have already felt through watching the video. Consider the logo alongside your call-to-action in the end of the film to help the consumer to feel the final connection. 

Cement the Connection

While it is common practice to include a logo in your branded videos, you may not realize how important it really is. By including the logo in the final frames, you know for sure that the connection between your brand and your audience was made–you’ll know that the video provides that final credit boost to your brand. 

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Want more brand videography tips and tricks? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 for more information!

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