Social Media Video Marketing Statistics

Social Media Video Marketing Statistics

Video marketing, on social media, and in other campaigns, has proven to be not only the most popular option for reaching today’s consumers but also, in many cases, the most effective. If you’ve not already implemented video marketing into your social media campaigns, you could be missing out on a ton of opportunity and you’re probably missing a lot of potential leads! Sharing videos on social media can result in up to 48% more views for your business. In fact, video content performs up to 1200% better than any other content on social media. These are just a few social media video marketing statistics that prove the importance of choosing video for your social media campaigns.

Video has truly become an irreplaceable element that should be in every marketer’s toolbox. If you don’t believe this, or you’re still trying to decide whether or not video marketing is the right choice for your brand’s social media approach, consider the following social media video marketing statistics which just might help you better understand the importance of video content!

Consumers Prefer Video on Social Media

According to some recent studies, 78% of consumers watch online videos every week. Many of those, 55% actually, prefer to watch videos online everyday. According to Social Media Week, 54% of consumers are actually requesting more video content from the brands they know and love as more and more consumers seek this form of content on social media and elsewhere online. Not only do consumers general prefer video on social media, but another study found that 51% of consumers state they use the internet primary for the purpose of watching video content.

Another study found that Facebook video promotions were just as popular or more than photo promotions as of 2019 and since 2020, videos are more popular than any other type of content on social media. In fact, users spend up to 88% more time on social media platforms when video is involved. Just checkout some of these social media video marketing statistics that support consumer love for video:

  • Video posts on social media receive 48% more views.
  • 16% of consumers turn to vlogs to learn about and research products.
  • A LearnHub study found that videos generate up to 1200% more shares, likes, or other interactions when compared to other forms of content such as image posts.

Social Media Video Marketing Statistics by Platform

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The influence that social media has on us is like nothing that’s ever really been around before. As various platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snaphat become harder and harder to ignore, the role of social media in our day-to-day lives becomes increasingly prominent. But what about the role of social media video marketing?

Checkout these social media video marketing statistics that we found relative to each platform that consumers are actively engaging in:

  • Consumers are responsible for more than 8B video views daily on Facebook and 2B on Twitter.
  • Recent studies found that Snapchat receives over 10B video views daily.
  • According to 45% of Twitter users, more video marketing from celebrities is welcomed!
  • Facebook users spend more than 3X the amount of time on live videos than they do on other forms of content.
  • More than 75M people use Facebook Watch daily, spending an average of 20 minutes each day watching videos.
  • Americans spend an average of 46 minutes on TikTok daily.

There are literally endless statistics to support the benefits of using video content on social media as well as to show just how powerful video is to social platforms.

Video is the Chosen Method of Marketing on Social Media for Marketers

Smart marketers know the impact that video marketing will have on its consumers. That’s why the majority of marketers already choose video as the top form of content to create and share across their social media platforms. Just checkout these statistics:

  • In 2020, 15% of all content on Facebook was video.
  • Large, active accounts on Facebook that have 100K followers include more than 71% video posts.
  • Facebook features more than 500M active video advertisers monthly.
  • Of the 38% of marketers posting video to LinkedIn, 75% found it successful.

Video Increases Social Media Conversions 

What every business wants to know about, though, is conversions! How can video marketing improve conversions on social media? This is the true focus for businesses and brands, and it’s not exactly a surprise that video content happens to increase social media conversions exponentially. Just checkout these social media video marketing statistics:

  • Video has the highest organic engagement over all other forms of content on Facebook.
  • Videos receive twice the engagement on Instagram when compared to other types of posts.
  • 30% of Instagram viewers have purchased a product after they see a video on the site promoting the brand.
  • Video Website Cards receive 2X more clickthrough-rate compared to standard video ads.
  • Including video in an ad campaign can increase conversion rate by 34% or more.

If these social media video marketing statistics aren’t enough to encourage you to grab your iPhone and start recording on a regular basis as well as to really deeply consider investing some of your marketing budget into professional video creation, you really could be left behind! Consumers are looking for video more frequently than ever before, and the trend certainly doesn’t appear to be fizzling out anytime soon! Get on the bandwagon, give Beverly Boy Productions a call to get started with your first branded social media video today!

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