
What are B2B Brand Ethos Videos & Why are They Important?

Your B2B marketing is just as important as if you were to employ B2C marketing tactics. If you’re operating a business that sells B2B, producing B2B brand ethos videos that allow you to connect appropriately with your business clients will be a key element of your marketing strategy. Whether you’re using your B2B brand ethos videos to explain your products or services to another business owner or you’re trying to build trust within the other business, we’ve got some tips to help you out.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in producing B2B brand ethos videos that you can use for a wide variety of your B2B marketing needs. These videos help you to establish and build trust, credibility, and a relationship between your brand and the businesses that you serve. To learn more about the use of video as part of your brand ethos, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

Video Camera

What is Brand Ethos?

In marketing, a brand’s ethos is a simple concept which translates to “character.” From a branding perspective, ethos means the culture, mission, vision, values, and goals that make up a brand. Your brand’s ethos represent a direct connection between your brand and the audience that you serve. For B2B brands, ethos represents that connection between one business and another, so you can look at is as the character that your brand has which connects with or resonates with the businesses that you serve.

For instance, your brand’s ethos might be described as you’re being caring, trustworthy, unique, inspiring, or professional. It actually could be some combination of all of these. Think about any person you know. If you were to describe their character, what would you say? You probably wouldn’t just use a single word to describe the character, you would use a combination of adjectives such as: dependable, outgoing, upbeat, flexible, disciplined, friendly, etc. These are the same types of adjectives that can be used to describe the character (or ethos) of a brand.

What are B2B Brand Ethos Videos?

If various adjectives are used to describe the character, or ethos, of a brand, then what exactly are B2B brand ethos videos and how do they come into play when we’re talking about marketing campaigns? This is a question that we get a lot, and the answer is basically: B2B brand ethos videos are short, branded videos that describe the unique character traits of a business as it relates to B2B marketing. 

These videos show other businesses the exact character traits that your business wants your audience of businesses to know about your brand. This is essentially your brand’s identity and it should show off the key elements of your brand that you want other businesses to understand. 

Think about your brand and what it is that makes your business special. The character traits that your business has, which are more likely to resonate with another business in your audience that you are marketing to, is what should be included in your B2B brand ethos videos. 

Examples of Ethos in B2B Brand Ethos Videos

Now that you understand what brand ethos is, and how ethos comes into play for a B2B brand, let’s take a look at some examples of how ethos comes up in the use of video marketing and advertising. Brand ethos is all about your credibility and ethics. It’s the character traits that make your B2B brand stand out to other businesses. Most businesses will say that their ethos are the unique character trails that make their brand credible and reliable to their target audience. Thus the most common adjectives used to describe brand ethos include honesty, credibility, reliability, dependability, ethical, authoritative, etc.

One of the easiest to understand examples of ethos in B2B brand ethos videos is the use of reputable actors, movie stars, sports legends or similar personalities in a commercial that will instantly create a strong sense of credibility for your brand. You might not immediately think of celebrity endorsement as being so powerful for B2B marketing, but the use of celebrities that other businesses respect and will make the connection to represents a unique way for ethos to take your B2B brand to the next level.

Take, for instance, the Microsoft campaign in which female scientists and their stories were shared as a means of building credibility for Microsoft.  The B2B and B2C giant wanted to promote women in STEM careers and they did so by profiling several female scientists and their associated stories across various B2B brand ethos videos and it was a huge success!


Another example of ethos in B2B brand videos could be seen when Pixel Storm utilized influencer marketing campaigns to draw attention to their brand through the use of B2B brand ethos videos which focused on loyal customers and business partners that would ultimately make the brand shine for its B2B marketing abilities.

No matter how it’s done, B2B brand ethos videos have the power to make a business stand out through the use of various techniques to improve credibility and generate trust among the brand. Want to learn more? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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