
How to Produce a Commercial Video Advertisement

Video marketing is very widely-accepted as a profitable option for large and small brands. Whether you plan to show your commercial online or on television, the production process is pretty much the same. If you’re wondering how to produce a commercial video advertisement for your business, you’ve come to the right place.

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We’ve outlined the steps below:

Step 1: Define Type of Video

Several types of commercial video advertisements exist. You could use a testimonial, a case study, or a topical video. Defining the type of video that you will create will help you to set goals and begin the creative planning process.

Step 2: Define the Audience

definining marketing goals for videos

Who’s your target audience? This is vital to the success of your commercial video advertisement. As you identify your target audience, think about how they operate and what style of content they are most likely to engage with. This should be a big focus in your initial planning.

Step 3:  Write the Script

As you work up a script, focus on the emotions that you can connect with to engage your target audience. Your script should be short, engaging, and succinct. Capture audience attention early on–you only have a couple of seconds. Make it count!

Step 4:  Create a Storyboard & Shot List

This is where you’re going to start focusing on the production steps that will come up as you produce a commercial video advertisement. Planning your storyboard and shot list requires creative effort as you lay out each scene, camera angle, lighting change, and effect. Take your time!

Step 5:  Schedule the Shoot

Now that you know what your story is, where it will take place, and who will be in it, you can begin planning and scheduling the production. This is where a film schedule will come together and all appropriate talent and support will be coordinated. Make sure you hire a professional to help out!

Step 6: Production

You’ve taken all the steps to plan the production, now it’s time for the big day–shoot day! This is where your footage all comes together. You should feel confident at this point that you’ve done what you can to produce a commercial video that will succeed. Sit back and watch your director take action! 

Collaborate with Team Beverly Boy

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Need to hire a professional to help you produce a commercial video? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 for more information today!

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