
filmmaking tips

How to Write an Infomercial Script

How to Write an Infomercial Script

How to Write an Infomercial Script Infomercials are generally segmented into three distinct scenes. Such that the key details of importance. In regards to the product being advertised are covered. With a distinct build up to the call-to-action at the end of each segment. Each segment outlines key benefits and […]


How to Write a Short Video Script

How to Write a Short Video Script

How to Write a Short Video Script Short videos are incredibly important to businesses as more and more internet traffic and conversions rely on the use of video to support written content topics. Script writing is an integral part of the filmmaking process that every aspiring filmmaker must eventually learn. […]


What is Sound Montage in Film

What is Sound Montage in Film?

What is Sound Montage in Film? Montage represents a film editing technique that is commonly used to combine a series of clips, visually or audibly. Such that they are sequenced in a way that they imply the passage of time. Montages generally represent multiple events. Or multiple moments taking place […]


What is Fidelity in Film Sound

What is Fidelity in Film Sound?

What is Fidelity in Film Sound? Throughout filmmaking, the use of sound is incredibly important. We hear sounds that are incorporated into films in a variety of ways. Dialogue, narration, sound effects, and music all accompany a typical scene and can be used to form sound transitions that draw the […]


What is a _Runner_ on Film Sets

What is a "Runner" on Film Sets?

What is a “Runner” on Film Sets? Film sets are full of working crew members that have various roles and responsibilities. Throughout the typical production you’ll find runners, cinematographers, the Director, and many other working crew members actively engaging in their responsibilities on the set and behind-the-scenes of the production. […]


When Did Magical Realism in Film Begin

When Did Magical Realism in Film Begin?

When Did Magical Realism in Film Begin? Various elements of storytelling have the power to remind us of things we know, but may have forgotten for some reason. Like looking through an entirely different lens, the use of various storytelling techniques have the power to deliver a more clearly refined […]