How to Get Into Screenwriting

How to Get Into Screenwriting

Whether you’re a writer that’s interested in becoming a screenwriter. Or you’re a cinematographer that wants to write and produce a feature film. Becoming a screenwriter is something that many aspire to do. Building a successful career as a screenwriter requires patience, perseverance, and practice. As well as maybe a bit of pure luck. Many aspiring writers and those with beginning roles in the film industry have interest. In learning how to get into screenwriting as a career. But, knowing how to stack the screenwriting deck in your favor. And actually succeeding at it are two very different things!

So, how does one get into screenwriting? What kind of steps can a novice writer or someone without a foundation in the film industry take in order to secure a position as a screenwriter?

We’ve put together a list of tips and tricks that will help you to position yourself for success as a screenwriter.

Start Writing & Practice

While there are no hard-set rules or steps that guarantee a career in screenwriting. There are certainly some ideas that will help to ensure you’ve tackling the correct type of skills and techniques. In order to set yourself up for success in screenwriting.

For example, you need to be a writer. So you should probably start writing. And practicing the technique of writing screenplays if you intend to make a career out of it.

10K Hour Rule

Some even say you should follow the 10K hour rule. What’s that? The 10,000 hour rule basically states: In order for someone to master something, you’ve got to devote 10,000 hours to practice, study, and application of the task or discipline.

Therefore, if you want to become a screenwriter, a good starting point is to write screenplays – and we mean, a LOT of screenplays!

As you’re mastering screenwriting, you should spend about 1,250 full-time, 8 hour days on screenwriting tasks. This can include reading screenplays, studying screenplays, and writing screenplays. The more you practice and hone your skills, the better your chances will be.

Move to Los Angeles

Okay, you don’t necessarily have to move to Los Angeles in order to get into screenwriting, but it certainly won’t hurt! Moving to areas of the country that are known for screenwriting and film will put you into the action where you can study the industry more closely and network with otters that are already successful in writing screenplays.

In fact, consider a move to Los Angeles, New York, or another large city where screenwriters are known to be successful if you’re truly serious about becoming a screenwriter. After all, it makes sense to live where there’s work and these cities are certainly known for hiring screenwriters.

Find Representation & a Mentor

Another major part of figuring out how to get into screenwriting is to find yourself representation and a mentor. Getting a mentor that already has a career as a screenwriter can provide an invaluable amount of information for you when it comes to learning the ropes. Finding someone to represent you is also a good idea.

If you’re going to make it as a screenwriter, you’re almost certainly going to need to gain representation in the industry. Hiring a manager or agent to represent you in the industry has several benefits including the fact that they’ll help to connect your screenplays with the producers that are most likely to purchase them.

You’ll save tons of time if you have an agent or manager that knows your work and has contacts in the industry. The potential for them to get your screenplays sold over you doing it all yourself is incredible.

Network & Get Involved in the Industry

You want to know how to get into screenwriting? You’ve got to network and get yourself involved in the industry. Enter screenwriting contests. Join screenwriting groups. Communicate with producers and those who are likely to purchase screenplays.

Keep your social media profiles up to date and include regular posts that show your interest, your skills, and your abilities as a screenwriter. 

If you win awards or contests, share your success online via your social profiles. Your networking should make up a large part of your daily routine and must be handled in a professional manner. 

As you can see, learning how to get into screenwriting is a lot of practice, some patience, plenty of perseverance and maybe some luck but you can do it!

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