
Script Writing Guide: 4 Tips for No Fuss Scripts that Convert Viewers

Selective Focus Photo of Person Writing

Writing a script is somewhat an art form. However, there are some tips and tricks that you can follow to master the art of script writing. We’re showing you a script witting guide and how you can turn some basic steps and tips into a no fuss script that will convert viewers into customers. Follow along.

Writing scripts is all about meeting your marketing goals. You don’t need an award winning piece of content to deliver a script that wins over your audience.

You just need to make sure that you:

● Don’t take too long to get to the point.
● You don’t waste anyone’s time.
● You aren’t using hugely long sentences.
● You talk in a casual tone.
● You are conversational.
● You cover the main point and don’t stray from the topic.
● You keep it short and simple.
● You stick to the important points and save the rest for another video.

So now that you’ve got the basics. Here are some tips to help you produce no fuss scripts that will convert.

 Keep it Short

White Pocket Watch With Gold-colored Frame on Brown Wooden Board

We realize we already listed this point once, but we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping the script short and to the point. Especially when we’re talking about conversion content. Videos that are meant to convert viewers into customers must be kept to the point!

Do the Math

A good rule of thumb is to have no more than 2.3 words per second in your video. Now, how can you possible have .3 words? There’s no such thing as 3 tenths of a word! What this means is, a 30 second video will have about 70 words. The math is 30 X 2.3.

A 60 second video will have about 140 words. Again, the math is 60 X 2.3.

Now that you have the math, determine how long you want your video to be and make sure your script is kept somewhere close to the estimated word count.

Proof for Grammar and Style

The next big step is to proof-read your script to ensure it follows proper grammar and style rules. BUT, we don’t mean you need to spell check and make sure every sentence is perfect!

What we mean is not to check your script the way your English teacher would, but to check that it flows naturally and that it sounds conversational. People don’t want to watch a video that delivers a long string of wordy content with no value or emotion attached.

As you check the style of your script, consider the audience. Did you use slang in your content? Will your audience understand it and relate? If so, keep it! If not, delete!

Supporting Visuals

Your script should be supported with visuals. This is how a video comes together. You start with a great script that provides the foundation and then you support your scripted content with visuals. Think of the imagery that will be used to support your script. Can you see a visual image being paired with the words?

If you find phrases in the script that would be hard to articulate visually, consider rephrasing. You certainly don’t want to try to make your point with the visuals if the point was poorly made in writing. Bad content is bad content, even after you include visuals with it!

Call To Action

Finally, your call to action should be strong and supportive of the rest of the script. If your entire video script is about a product, you probably won’t want your CTA to be, call to book an appointment. An appointment is relative to a service. Make sure your call to action is relevant and powerful enough to get the audience to take that action.

As you think about the CTA, think about the content that you have provided in the script and visually. Think about the way you want the viewer to react. Then, construct a call to action that will directly align with the overall goals of your content. The CTA is the most powerful element of your script so make it count!

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