What Union Covers Writers in Film

What Union Covers Writers in Film?

Film unions provide negotiations for desirable wages and habitable work environments for their members. With various different individual unions offering coverage for specific industry workers. Not only do these unions look out for workers and attempt to make their work environment more safe and manageable. Also, they offer helpful resources to members too. While there are several different film unions and guilds. Which cover various industry workers. Knowing what union covers writers in the film industry might not be something you’re familiar with.

The Writer’s Guild of America

Firstly, the union responsible for covering writers in the film industry is called The Writers Guild of America. This film union represents thousands of members who write screenplays. As well as other content for motion pictures, television, news, and digital media.

Furthermore, like other film unions and guilds, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) negotiates contracts. They administer employment agreements and protect the creative and economic rights of members of its guild. 

Moreover, protection and negotiations are provided as part of the WGA. Members are also welcome to attend programs and seminars. Which provide support to writers in various interests relative to the industry.

The Writers Guild of America further represents film writers in the industry. Mainly by presenting their views to various bodies of government and acting as a voice for members.

WGA Quick Facts

The WGA consists of more than 6,000 writers and media professionals who work in the film industry. Founded in 1954, members of the WGA are divided into two groups.

Based on the types of contract negotiations involved for the member:

  1. Freelance Members – these are the writers in feature film, television, and digital media. Whose members work under a minimum basic agreement (MBA). Also may have other freelance agreements.
  2. Staff Members – these are the writers of news programs in television, radio or digital platforms. Members work primarily under workplace “shop” specific contracts. Which are negotiated collectively between the shop’s bargaining unit and end management.

WGA Responsibilities

The Writers Guild of America covers writers in film. By providing labor contracts, agreements, and collective bargaining to support film writers.

In addition to the guild’s primary function. Which is to serve as a support source for the collective establishment of credited, paid and provided benefits for film writers.

The WGA also establishing working contracts for freelancers under the minimum basic agreement or MBA and ensures:

  • Minimum compensation
  • Credit for work
  • Residual payments
  • Separated rights
  • Pension and health benefits

Writers Guild Initiative

Finally, outside of contract negotiations, the WGA protects members and offers affordable script registration, training events and programs, and the Writer’s Guild Initiative which brings the art of storytelling to underserved populations throughout the county.

So, what union covers writers in film? The Writers Guild of America, WGA, provides essential coverage for film writers, screenplay writers, and those involved in creating content in the film industry.

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